William Jackman was born in Devonshire, England, December 19, 1818, his parents being William and Mary Jackman. The subject of this sketch went to sea when nine years old and followed the occupation of a sailor for twenty-one years, when he deserted the mast to settle in Orleans county, New York, where he lived three years before moving to Dane county, Wisconsin. He was married in 1846 to Jennett Scott, a daughter of William Scott and Jennett (Nelson) Scott, and they were the parents of twelve children, all of whom are living at the present time in St. Croix county, with the exception of William, who resides in Foreman, N. Dak., and is the sheriff of Sargent county, North Dakota. The other children: Mrs. William Scott, Samuel, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Hanson, Mrs. Emma Jane Stauffer, James Henry, Thomas, Frederick, Charles David, Mrs. Margaret Baird, Mrs. Isabelle Cynthia Ryan and John Edward Jackman. Mr. Jackmanwas a member of the High Episcopal church. He acted with the Republican Party in political affairs and was by that party selected at different times to occupy most every office in Pleasant Valley Township. William Jackman died April 16, 1888, and his wife died April 14, 1896. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
H. P. Jacobsen was born in Denmark in 1840, a son of Christen and Pauline Jacobsen, who lived and died in the old country. He came to the United States, May 24, 1873, locating first at Racine, Wis., where he labored until 1878, when he came to Stanton township, St. Croix county, bought land and at once started working it. Since then he has continued the farming business and today owns 160 acres of well-improved land, which he developed himself. While breaking his land he studied English, and today he can read and write the language of his adopted land as well as that of his native country. Before coming to this country he received a good education in the public schools of Denmark, and this, together with the reading and studying that he has done since then, has made him a well-educated man. Mr. Jacobsen married Carrie Bertelsen, by whom he has two children: Evangeline C. and Henry C., both of whom are at home. He has never mingled deeply in politics, although he is interested in all public affairs. He is devoted to his family and his farm, and is one of the successful and well thought of men in the township. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Henry M. Jameson is a native of Orono, Me., born September 24, 1844, a son of John G. and Nancy (Godfrey) Jameson, both natives of Maine, where the father was a merchant. In 1849 they removed to Beloit, Wis., and after a years sojourn in that place went to Elk River, Minn., where the father built a sawmill and continued in the lumbering business until the time of his death in 1869. Henry M. attended the common schools at Elk River, then went to the Academy at Monticello, Minn., and finished with a general course at a business college in St. Paul, Minn. After completing his studies he clerked in the general store at Elk River and in 1871 opened a hardware store at Princeton, Minn., under the firm name of Jameson & Brasie. He continued this business for about four years, also engaging in the lumber industry. Since 1886 he has been a traveling salesman. For three years he represented the firm of Rich & Co., of Minneapolis, Minn., and then accepted a similar position with the Hartman Clark Company, of Chicago, going as far as the coast. After nearly two decades with this company he engaged in 1906 with Booth & Co., of Chicago, who handle a similar line of goods,. Mr. Jameson was married, November 12, 1869, to Laura H. Foster, of New Richmond. She was the daughter of B. C. B. and Charlotte (Gilman) Foster, of Maine. They moved to Hudson, Wis., in 1854, and remained one year. In July 1855, they came to New Richmond, Wis., where the father built a large sawmill, entering into the logging business on Willow River. He sold this industry to Gibson & Staples and bought 240 acres in what is now known as New Richmond city, but was then called Fosters Crossing. He broke and developed the land, making all improvements. He built and owned the first farm house erected in the present city of New Richmond. Upon this place he did a general farming, raising principally wheat. He was a breeder of shorthorn and Holstein cattle and owned a large flock of Shropshire sheep. For a short time he engaged in the druggist business in New Richmond, after which he retired. He died January 19, 1889. There were two children in the family besides Mrs. Jameson. Eugene died in infancy, and Hiram B. is a farmer and iceman in New Richmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Jameson have been blessed with two children. Maude died at the age of three years, and Clyde L. is a telegraph operator. Like many other New Richmond people, the family suffered in cyclone of 1899, their home having been entirely destroyed. Mr. Jameson is a Democrat in politics and attends the Congregational church. He affiliates with the Masons at Minnesota and the Union Commercial Travelers at Des Moines, Ia. He has been successful, has made all he owns by hard work, and is popular with all his associates, enjoying the confidence alike of his employers and the men to whom he sells goods. He is regarded as an excellent salesman and respected for his worth as a man. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
John C. Johnson, merchant of Woodville, fist saw the light of day at Clinton, Vernon county, Wis., December 27, 1862, son of Ole and Elena (Skyberg) Johnson, both natives of Gulbrandsdalen, Norway, where they were farming people. They came to America in 1859, locating at La Crosse county, this state, where they followed farming. In 1860 or 1861 they removed to Vernon county, same state, where they still reside. They had issue as follows: John C., the subject of this sketch; Oluf, a hotel man in La Crosse, this state; Edward, who works on the home farm; Severt, employed by a wholesale grocery house at Minneapolis, Minn.; Christena, married to Chris Stockes, a farmer and carpenter (now deceased); Carl, a merchant of Paskin, wis., and Julia, wife of Emil Erickson, a blacksmith of Melvina, Wis. Ole Johnson was a veteran of the Civil war. John C. received his education in the schools of Vernon and St. Croix counties. After leaving school he engaged in the general merchandise business and lumbering with the Woodville Lumber Company. In 1892 he formed a partnership with A. Hanson under the firm name of Hanson & Johnson, buying out the business of the Woodville Lumber Company, which they still continue. They also conduct an implement and machine business and have a large store with a branch at Baraboo, this state. Mr. Johnson is a Republican in politics, but has never sought office. The family have been members of the Lutheran church for many years, Mr. Johnson having been a trustee for some time. He is now a teacher in the Sunday-school. Mr. Johnson was married, November 22, 1886, to Elvina, daughter of Aanen Benson, of Baldwin Township. Their four children are: Helen, Alvin, Edna and Esther. Mr. Johnson is president of the Citizens State Bank, of Woodville, and owns a farm of 440 acres, upon which he raises stock, hay and grain. For four years he was postmaster at Woodville, and is universally respected as a good citizen and trustworthy friend. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
William J. Johnson was born in Ontario, January 2, 1855, son of Thomas E. and Anne Johnson, who came to Hudson in 1872. The mother and father were both deceased. In 1879-82 William J. Johnson engaged in the livery business at River Falls, Wis., at the end of which he sold out and returning to Hudson, formed a partnership with C. R. Coon, conducting the livery business under the firm mane of W. J. Johnson & Co. Later he bought Mr. Coons interest and has since continued the business. He is a member of the Masonic order, and also of the B. P. O. E., and has served as alderman of the city. He married Delia E. Childs, daughter of James H. Childs, of Hudson. Four children were born to themJean, Laurie C., William H. and Anne B. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
William P. Johnson is a native of New York State, born in old Johnstown, September 9, 1821, a son of David and Maria (Beadle) Johnson, both natives of New York State. The father was a shoemaker and followed that trade until his death in 1823. The next year, the mother moved to Permelia, Jefferson county, N. Y., where she married Timothy Chapman. They resided in Permilia until 1847, and then emigrated to Canada, where the mother died in 1851. William received a common school education in his native state, and went to Canada in 1841, where he followed farming until October 1855. He removed to Kenosha county, Wisconsin, farming until May 28, 1860. June 30, of that year he came to Hammond township and bought eighty acres of land. To this he added several times until he owned 500 acres. He broke about 300 acres of this land and made all improvements, building three houses, besides the usual barns and outbuildings. He carried on a general line of farming, raising the usual crops and breeding Shorthorn, Holsteins and Polled Angus cattle, Poland China and Suffolk hogs, Southdown sheep, Plymouth Rock and Black Leghorn fowls. He conducted this farm until 1906, when he sold the place and retired to Hammond village, where he lives with his son. Mr. Johnson was married in Canada, December 20, 1843, to Parney Plumb, daughter of Festus and Martha (Huntly) Plumb, whose sketch will be found elsewhere in this volume. Three children blessed this union: Martha M. Married Jason Trickey. M. E. is a merchant at Hammond, Wis. He married Mary Egbert of that place. Sylvnus is a farmer in Illinois. He married Martha McCulluth. Mr. Johnson is a staunch Republican and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He also has the honor of being a veteran of the Civil war. He enlisted in the Union army in 1863 at Hudson, Wis., serving in Company A, Forty-fourth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, under Colonel Symes and Captain Brown. He took part in the battle of Nashville, Tenn., and other engagements, being discharged July 15, 1865, at Paducah, Ky. Mr. Johnson has served the township of Hammond as clerk and treasurer of School District No. 3, for over a quarter of a century. He has also been an assessor and a member of the town board many years, being chairman of the latter for a long period. He has taken an active part in public affairs and his opinions and advice have always had much weight with his fellow men. He is now enjoying a well-deserved rest, after years of the hardest toil and labor, all of which have been crowned with success. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
(Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", vol. 2, published 1909)
E. S. Jones is a native of New Portland, Me., born in 1854, a son of S. C. and Julia Jones, old timers of Maine who came to this county in 1853. They settled first at Hudson on what are now the fairgrounds, and after two years there moved to the city of Hudson and remained for three years. They then went to Hudson Prairie, where the father lumbered and worked in the woods. In 1868 he came to Cylon Township and followed farming in the western part of the township until 1903, when he died, greatly mourned by all who knew him. The mother still lives with her sons. The father was chairman of the town twelve years and also a member of the school board for some time. The improvements on the place were largely made by the father and his sons. There were four children in the familyE. S., Charles, Nettie and Frank. E. S. lives with his brother, Charles, who owns a good farm and is one of the most popular mail carriers in this locality. Nettie married E. C. Goodrich, one of the representative men of Cylon township. A sketch of Frank is found elsewhere in this history. E. S. received a good education in the public schools and then started farming. Everything was looking bright and prosperous when a fall from a building incapacitated him from work and rendered him a cripple, unable to get about without the aid of crutches. Mr. Jones was town clerk seven years and chariman of Cylon township several terms. He is a public spirited man, and before his accident was one of the most successful and energetic men in the township. Mr. Jones was married in 1876 to Flora Goodrich, who died in 1903. He has three childrenEdith, Warren and Clyde. Mr. Jones is highly thought of by all who know him. He is a man of sterling character and unsullied honor and stands very high throughout the community.
Frank D. Jones was born in Hudson, Wis., May 15, 1866, his parents being Simeon C. and Julia A. Jones, old timers of Maine, of whom a sketch will be found in this history in connection with that of Edwin S. Jones. Frank D. was raised on the farm and attended the public schools, afterward taking up farming for himself. In 1890 he was married to Ethel Boardman, daughter of N. C. Boardman, one of the old settlers of this county, having come here in the early fifties. He was one of the most prosperous men in the county and although now retired, still owns considerable property in this part of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have six childrenFrank, Elsie, Ward, Lee, Dorris and Coit, all of whom are still at home. Mr. Jones owns 270 acres of rich land in Cylon Township, nearly all under the plow; about thirty acres is heavy timberland. Upon this farm he caries on a general farming business, making a specialty of Red Pol cattle and Poland-China hogs. His place is only a short distance from the old Jones homestead. Largely Mr. Jones made the improvements on the farm himself and everything about the place--land, house, barns and livestockshow the best of care. Mr. Jones votes the Republican ticket, but has never asked for public office, although it has been intimated to him that such asking would not be in vain. He is a self-made man, honest to the core, a hard worker and a successful farmer. He is preeminently a family man, and his greatest pleasures are received at his own fireside among his own people. Mrs. Jones is said to be one of the best cooks in this vicinity, and the children are a bright, happy bunch of youngsters who are a great credit to their parents.
J. B. Jones, Hudson, ex-Sheriff of St. Croix County, came to Hudson in 1851, and built what is now known as the Jones homestead; had to go twelve miles for every mouthful of flour, with no neighbors but Chippewa Indians, who swarmed about his home. Married when 21 to a daughter of Rev. William Egbert, of Hammond, and followed farming until the fall of 1872, when he was elected County Treasurer for two years, then went into the employ of the McCormick Company as general agent, where he has been up to the present time; appointed by the Governor, Bridge Commissioner for the county; elected in the fall of 1874 Superintendent of the Poor for three years, also County Agent. Has a fine farm of 400 acres, 240 under the plow in the town of Troy, and a beautiful residence in the city of Hudson. Is a leading member of the Methodist Church; is a class leader and an earnest worker. Married in 1862 to Maria L. Egbert; they have five children -- Albert E., Charles E., Myra, Freeman and Bertha.
(Taken from "History of Northern Wisconsin", pub. 1881)
Michael Judge was born in County Mayo, Ireland, in 1845, a son of Michael and Mary (Leonard) Judge, both natives of that county. Michael came with his parents to Canada in 1850 and subsequently lived in Vermont, New York State and Illinois. In 1866 he came to Erin, purchased 140 acres of land, made all improvements, erected house and out buildings and started a general farming, which he has since continued. In 1876, Mr. Judge married Bridget Dunbar, a daughter of Anthony and Ellen (Manley) Dunbar. This union has been blessed with six children: May, Ellen and John are at home; Kate is a school teacher at Cylon, Wis.; and Bridget and Margaret are at home. Mr. Judge is a Democrat and a member of the Catholic Church. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) |
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