E. H. McAllister, the genial proprietor and manager of the Commercial Hotel, Baldwins leading hostelry, was born in Coxsackie, Green county, N.Y., April 3, 1857, a son of Charles E. and Harriet (Roberts) McAllister, natives of New York state. The father was born in Stuyvesant, Columbia county, December 2, 1830, and the mother in Flat Bush, Green county, January 22, 1831. The former went to sea when but eight years of age and continued to sail the brine until 1905, when he left his position, as captain of a big boat, and took up his residence in a beautiful home at Albany, N.Y., where he and his wife live at the present time. They had four children. E. H., the subject of this sketch, was the oldest. John W. died in infancy. Charles E., Jr., is secretary of the E. W. Howell Coal Company, of Albany, N.Y. He married Louise Foster, daughter of Captain H. Foster, of Albany, and had three children: Lena, Lucy and a child which died in infancy. William is a physician living at Albany. He is still unmarried. E. H. studied under private tutors and attended private schools. He studied for the bar, and was prepared to be admitted to practice when he changed his plans and took up work as a traveling salesman, which he followed with maked success for twenty-one years. In all that time he worked for but two companies, the famous Austin, Nicholas Co., of New York, and the E. C. Harley Company, of Dayton, Ohio. In pursuing the work of salesman he made hundreds of friends, and today he numbers among his acquaintances thousands of hotel and traveling men, with whom he has come in contact in various parts of the country on his numerous trips as a salesman. In 1905 he decided to settle down. Coming to Baldwin he purchased the Commercial Hotel, and has since conducted a first class traveling mens hotel, with comfortable rooms and good table, together with excellent service. Mr. McAllisters own pleasing personality has no small share in the success that he has achieved. To know him is to like him, and in every way he deserves a title, "jolly good fellow," being at the same time, however, a keen business man. He is a good citizen, a good man, a big hearted companion and thoroughly honest and upright. He is a Republican, but has never sought public office. In 1908 his friends elected him a justice of the peace, but he refused to qualify. Mr. McAllister is unmarried and attends the Episcopal Church. He belongs to the Woodmen at Baldwin, the Maccabees at Waterloo, Ia.; the A.O.F. at Jersy City, N.J., and the I.C.M.A., of Chicago. His Masonic affiliations consist of membership in the following named convocations: Marion, Ia., Lodge No.6; St. Croix Chapter No.44, Hudson Wis., and St. Croix Commander No. 14, also of Hudson. In all of these societies he is popular and well liked. It is interesting to note that Mr. McAllister is a lineal descendant of Captain Coo, the navigator, and great-grandson of Captain Hurd, of New London, Conn., who covered his heroic name with glory during the Revolution, being one of the gallant Connecticut Minute Men.
(taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
James McFetridge was born in Ireland, April 15, 1849. His father, James, married to Mary McBresnahan, moved to Pennsylvania in 1850 and worked in a lumber and sawmill for three years. He received three more years experience in the same line at St. Joseph, St. Croix County, Wis., and then bought a farm in Somerset, in the same county. This he occupied ten years until the time of his death. James, Jr., received a common school education and then took up farming. After thoroughly mastering all the details of farm life he decided to venture into the business for himself. Accordingly, in 1883, he bought a farm of 240 acres. To this he speedily added forty more, making in all 280 acres in the town of Richmond.
Mr. McFetridge was married to Margaret Carl, of Canada, who proved a thrifty and devoted companion. Four children have blessed this union. Ray, a Richmond farmer, married Lucy Foreman. Elizabeth was graduated from the New Richmond, Wis., High school and is now a teacher herself. Daniel and William work at home on the farm. Mr. McFetridge is a staunch Republican and attends the Episcopal Church. For fifteen years he has been a member of the school board. Of this body he is one of the progressive members, and his vote and his voice are always for the best interests of the educational advancement of the town. He is a worthy example of those men, who coming from the old country in the early days, devoted their brains and their strength to the upbuilding and development of this fertile valley. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
William McFetridge is a native of London Day, Ireland, born February 17, 1845, son of James and Mary McFetridge. The father brought his wife to America in 1851, landing first in New York city and then staying in Pennsylvania, lumbering, for three years. They came to Wisconsin, May 1855. William was one of their six children. Margaret married Hiram Jacobs, a farmer and lumberman. Jane, a schoolteacher, died in 1867. Anna, a schoolteacher, lives at the present time with William, who was the fourth child. May married Alexander W. Beal, a retired farmer. James married Margaret Carroll and lives on a farm in Richmond township, Wisconsin. William received a common school education and left school to join the Union army. He served in Company G, fiftieth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, under Captain Clemment and Col. J. G. Clark. The company was used as a reserve in Kansas and Dakota for eighteen months and then purchased forty acres in Richmond Township and lived there nine years until 1876, when he bought 160 acres more and broke and developed the land, making all improvements. Mr. McFetridge was married, December 3, 1890, to Celia A., daughter of George and Betsy Frissell. She was one of a family of eight. John Frissell, her brother, born 1851, township of St. Joseph, was the first white child born between Hudson and Superior, Wis. The father was a justice of the peace at New Richmond for several years, and also at Cumberland, Wis., two terms. Mr. and Mrs. McFetridge have four children. In 1899 Mr. McFetridge sold 160 acres and bought forty acres near the city line of New Richmond and moved there in March of that year. Mr. McFetridge is an independent voter. He belongs to Richmond Lodge, No 216, I. O. O. F., and the family worships at the Methodist Episcopal and Baptist churches. Mr. McFetridge is a strong believer in education and does what he can to advance its interests.
Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
William S. McHenry was born in Ontario, Canada, August 10, 1861, son of John and Sarah (Leverdy) McHenry, of Belfast, Ireland. In early life, John McHenry was a sailor and then he worked twenty-two years at lumbering in Canada. He came to St. Croix county in 1865, and May 20 of that year bought 320 acres of land, upon which he farmed until 1886, when he moved to New Richmond, Wis., and spent his days in retirement until his death, August 6, 1896. William S. received a common school education at the schools of Richmond, Wis., and then farmed it with his father for seven years. Then he went south, and for three and a half years he was a sheep ranger at Eagle Pass, the point of entry between Texas and Mexico. After this he returned to Richmond Township and traded his fathers farm for the farm upon which he lives at present. Upon this farm he built a house and barns, and made all improvements. He carries on a general diversified farming. Mr. McHenry was married June 2, 1891, to Mary Agnes Hogan, daughter of Philip and Katherine (Kavanaugh) Hogan. Her father was one of the early settlers and lives in this section during the latter years of his life until his death, in 1884. Mr. and Mrs. McHenry have five children. Agnes and Katherine are at the New Richmond High school, Irene and Grace attend the lower grades and Robert, twin brother of Grace, died in infancy. Mr. McHenry has been treasurer of the school board sixteen years, and served as town treasurer of the school board sixteen years, and served as town treasurer one term. He is an independent voter, and belongs to the Modern Woodmen and the Catholic Order of Foresters. The family worships at the Catholic Church. Mr. McHenry takes great pride in his farm and works early and late to keep it in its present state of perfection. He is well thought of by all his neighbors and the family is also well regarded throughout the township. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Robert McIlroy, son of John and Elizabeth (Kennedy) McIlroy, was born in Ireland, June 14, 1818, of Scotch parentage. He moved to Glasgow, Scotland, in 1831, serving five years apprenticeship in the provision and grocery trade from 1834 to 1839. From 1839 to 1847 he was in business, coming to America April 29, 1847. He began his manufacturing career in North Andover, Mass., in that year, and later became superintendent of the Norway Plains Company, of Rochester, N. H. He spent the year 1853 in Hyde Park, Mass., building and purchasing machines and starting the manufacture of woolen mills. Returning to Rochester, N. H., and later the Winthrop woolen mills in Maine. He continued in his business until he moved to his present location in Warren Township in the 70s conducting general farming operations and stock raising until he was too old for active work. Although now over ninety years of age, he is still secretary of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company and writes insurance for that organization. This activity at his advanced age, while unusual, when looked at from an ordinary standpoint, is not uncommon in his family, his father having lived to be over ninety-nine and his grandfather of 100 years old. Mr. McIlroy now owns 160 acres of well improved land about one mile from the village of Roberts, and also some fine property in Duluth, Minn. He was married in 1840 to Frances Castle-Franc Burges, who died in the East, leaving two children: Mary Ann and Elizabeth. For his second wife he married Sarah Brierley, daughter of Edmond S. Brierley, of English descent. Ten children have blessed this union: John R., Edmond S., William H., Frank T., James C., Josiah N., Titus (deceased), Frances, Alice and Louise. Mr. McIlroy is a Republican in politics, a Mason and a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Although far beyond the usual span of mans existence, he is well informed and in the possession of his faculties, having an acuteness of judgment that might well be envied by many men still in the prime of life.
Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Edward McMullen, for nine years chairman of the town of Emerald, is a progressive man who believes in thoroughness and impartiality in the management of township affairs. In the farming business he has achieved success and is looked up to as an honest, upright and able man by all who know him. He was born in Canada, Septmeber 17, 1834, son of John and Vina (Burns) McMullen, natives of Ireland who came to Canada in the early days and spent the remainder of their lives there. Edward received a good education in the common schools of Canada and also in the state of New York. He followed the business of farming for six years in New York State during his early manhood and then located in Emerald in 1864. For four years he worked a farm on shares, after which he purchased eighty acres, which he broke and improved, now carrying on diversified farming, raising grains, vegetables, hay, live stock and fowls. His farm buildings are neat and well kept and in 1907 he erected a beautiful home at a cost of $2,000. In this home, which is well furnished and well supplied with books, Mr. McMullen and his family now reside. He was married April 5, 1855, to Catherine Kennedy, of County Clair, Ireland, daughter of Michael and Mary Kennedy. Her father died while coming to this country on a steamship. Mr. and Mrs. McMullen have seven children. John was born June 11, and is now a photographer in Burns, Ore.; Thomas P. was born January 29, 1858, and is now prospecting in the gold fields of Alaska. He married Annie McGovern. Edward, born April 5, 1860, is also in Alaska, as is Michael, who was born October 29, 1862. Mathew, born April 24, 1864, is in the meat business in California. He married Annie Martin. Peter, born June 29, 1871, lives at home, and Winnie, born February 24, 1874, married James Lavell, of Erin township, Wis. Mr. McMullen has been school treasurer for six years. He is a Democrat and a member of the Catholic Church, having been a hard working and conscientious man all his life. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) McNamara
William McNamara is a native of Stanton township, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, born July 21, 1876, son of James and Mary (Lee) McNamara, old settlers of the county, of whom a sketch appears in another part of this history. William received a primary education in the common schools, where he distinguished himself as a bright scholar. He finished his education in the Normal School at River Falls, Wis., and then engaged in the grain business for the Wisconsin Elevator Company at Stanton township, Wisconsin, for two years. Subsequently he bought grain for three years for the New Richmond Roller Mills Company. In 1900 he opened a general store, and two years later he built his present store in Stanton village, where he carries on a big business. He carries $5,000 worth of the finest stock, and his honest and upright dealings have won a large trade. In company with thomas Lee he built a warehouse in 1903 and purchased 11,000 bushels of wheat. Later the two gentlemen built an elevator, which they have since continued to operate. The store and elevator business are both prospering and growing from year to year. In 1903 Mr. McNamara was married to Anna M. Ring, daughter of Patrick Ring, a farmer of Erin Prairie, now deceased. The mother now lives with her daughter. Mr. McNamara is a Democrat in politics and attends the Catholic church. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Catholic Order of Foresters. He is one of the widely known men of the township and is highly regarded for his affable spirit and his business ability. Reference: "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Arthur J. Mackin, son of L. M. and Betsy (Fuller) Mackin, was born July 4, 1854, at Kinnickinnic, St. Croix County, Wis. L. M. Mackin learned the carriage-makers trade in New York State. He lived for a time in North Madison, Lake County, Ohio, before coming here. The eighty acres, which he originally purchased at Hudson, he treaded for 160 acres at Kinnickinnic. This he traded later for 160 acres at Richmond, where he followed farming until his death, September 31, 1907. He was an assessor and a member of the town and school boards. Arthur J. Mackin attended the public schools and then worked on his fathers farm until he was twenty-one years of age. In 1881, in partnership with F. P. Davis, he bought 200 acres, which they developed together. After raising what for six or seven years they sold this property, and in the early 90s purchased the 200 acres where Mr. Mackin now resides. Their best crop is flax, but they also raise oats, wheat, barley, corn and rye. They breed grade Jerseys, shorthorn cattle, and Plymouth Rock fowls. At the present time a barn, valued at $2,500 is in the course of construction. Mr. Mackin is the third partner in the general store at Boardman, under the firm name of Spence, Davis & Co. He was married, September 3, 1879, to Ida E., the oldest of the nine children of Samuel L. and Jane E. (Spence) Beebe. Her father served as assessor for a number of years and was a member of the town and school boards. He lived until June 14, 1905. His wife died April 9, 1891. Mr. and Mrs. Mackin have had six children: Avis B., died at the age of nine; Samuel L., a graduate of the Hamline university, is engaged in teaching; Bessie A. died at two years; Ida E. is a senior at the New Richmond High school, and James Arthur and John Howard are students at the same institution. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. are members of the Methodist church. Mr. Mackin is also connected with the I. O. O. F. and the Woodmen. He is an exponent of education and one of Boardmans leading citizens. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
P. J. Maguire, a well-known farmer of Stanton, St. Croix County, Wis., was born in Canada in June, 1854. His parents Henry and Anna (Foley) Maguire, were born in County Armagh, Ireland, and came to Canada in the early days, where the father followed his profession of carpenter. They came to Hudson, Wis., in 1864. After a stay of six months they moved to Stanton Township in 1865 and took up eighty acres of homestead land. To this in 1866 they added 240 more, improving this land and erecting buildings. Later they moved to Stanton Station, in the same township, and followed farming until the fathers death, September 22, 1877. P. J. Maguire received a good education in the public schools and then worked on the farm with his father. Since his fathers death he has added forty adjoining acres to the old homestead. Until 1888 he raised wheat with considerable success and then he went into oat raising. He now carries on general farming. Success has followed all his efforts and his farm shows prosperity and hard work. Mr. Maguire has never married, but has his sister, May, to keep house for him. The neatness and good taste shown about the house speaks well for her excellence in this capacity. Mr. Maguire is a Democrat and attends the Catholic Church. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909 Maloney
Patrick Maloney is a native of Ireland, born in the 40s. He came to the United States in the early days and located first on Long Island, N.Y., with his parents. The father was a gardener, and after living for a time in the place where he first settled he moved to Harford, Conn., afterward taking up his home in Hudson, Wis. He arrived in that place some time before the Civil War, and continued to live there until his death. The mother passed away at the home of her son, Patrick. There were five children in the family, two of whom are now alive. Patrick received but a limited education, but he makes up in good, sound business sense what he lacks in book learning. He worked on the farm with his father and then took up work for himself. He now owns 600 acres in Warren Township, upon which he carries on general farming. Mr. Maloney was married in 1894 to Nellie Murphy, daughter of Patirck and Rosanna (Kelley) Murphy, who came to this country after the war and followed farming all their lives. Mr. and Mrs. Maloney are the parents of two children, William and Daniel F. Mr. Maloney attends the Catholic Church at New Richmond, Wis. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
Thomas Maloney was a well known citizen of New Richmond, Wis. He died in August 1908, in his beautiful residence, where he moved a few years ago after retiring from active farming. He was born in Co. Mayo, Ireland, a son of John and Mary (Padden) Maloney. John Maloney came to Canada, in 1846, where he remained two years. In 1848 he went to Wheeling, W. Va., working on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad twelve years, the line being the first one laid in that section of the country. In 1860 he went to Ohio and worked on the Monticello railroad for one year. Coming to Wisconsin, he located at Whitewater and continued working on the railroads. Two years later he moved to Hudson, WIs., and after a short stay took up his residence at Erin Prairie, St. Croix County, Wis. He bought 240 acres and made general improvements, remaining until his death in 1871.
Thomas Maloney received a good education in the public schools and then took up farming and lumbering with his father until the latter's death, when he took the home farm and for a number of years made wheat his principal crop. Later he took up stockbreeding and dairying. He carried on general farming business with much success and devoted a part of his time to Durham cattle.
In 1861 Mr. Maloney was married to Kate Early, of County Mayo, Ireland, where her father lived and died. Her mother came to this country and died at Erin Prairie, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Maloney were the parents of six children, all of whom are prominent in the localities in which they reside.
(taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", volume 2, published in 1909)
Patrick Malony, Jr., was born in County Mayo, Ireland, son of Patrick, Sr., and Ann (Pardon) Malony. Patrick, Sr., spent ten years in this country in the early days. He located in Canada in 1847 and after three years there he went to Virginia and worked on the Baltimore railroad seven years. Then he returned to his native land, and died in 1868. The same year that his father died Patrick, Jr., came to St. Croix county and worked at lumbering throughout the valley the next ten years. Deciding to become a farmer in 1882, he purchased 160 acres in Stanton Township and devoted his life to their improvement. He found the place almost a wilderness, but in a few years under his patient and hard labor the farm reached a stage of high development, and a pleasant house and large barns testified to his prosperity. The acres now bloom with wheat, oats and barley, and furnish pasturage for shorthorn cattle and Poland China and Berkshire hogs. In 1875 Mr. Malony married Ellen, daughter of Martin and Kate (Lally) Dickson, prominent residents of Broadhead, Wis. This union has been blessed with ten children: Martin, married to Mary Forman, is now the New Richmond chief of police; Kate married Hank Conway, a contractor at Superior, this state; Patrick works on his fathers far; Mary married Richard Cashman, a Warren farmer, and Ann, Thomas, Ellen and John are at home. Mr. and Mrs. Malony have striven to give their children a good education, and the entire family is well thought of throughout the community. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
George Martin has a record of continual residence upon one farm since 1860. He was a boy of thirteen years of age when, in 1852, his parents, William and Emelie Martin decided to leave Steuben county, in New York State, and locate in Wisconsin. His parents took up school land and started farming. After several years they abandoned this work and went to live with George, who was their only child. George Martin has brought his 400 acres of land to a high stage of cultivation. At one time he was known for forty miles around as an extensive buyer of grain, Stock, cattle and hogs. To him belongs the distinction of having fenced the railroad from the lakes to Baldwin. In 1860 he was married to Margaret M. Ainsley, whose parents came from Geneva, N. Y., in 1853, and conducted agricultural operations until the time of their death. Mrs. Martin died in 1903. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
Ernest Matthews was born in Germany, May 31, 1848. His father, Gotlieb Matthews, came to the United States in 1856, locating first at Milwaukee, Wis. Two years later he came to St. Croix County and located in Cylon Township. He took up a piece of land, which he continued to work until his death. Four of his eight children are now alive, all being honored and respected people in every respect. Ernest worked on the farm with his father and attended the public schools in his native land and in this state. He later took up work for himself. He now owns 160 acres of good land in Cylon Township and carries on a general farming, raising the usual crops and breeding some live stock. Mr. Matthews was married in 1876 to Hannah Hammann, by whom he has four childrenMillie, Eddie, Henry and Theo, all of whom are at home. Mr. Matthews is a Republican in politics and attends the Methodist church. He is one of those quiet men who go about their own business without mixing much in public affairs. He is well liked, and there is not a person in the township who does not honor him. His fine farm shows the results of hard work. He is always willing to make personal sacrifices if necessary that his children may obtain an education if they so desire. His special aim has been and still is to manage his affairs in such a manner that when death compels him to sever the bonds which so long have bound him to his family circle, he may take enjoyment in feeling that he has left a home which his children may call their own. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
Lawrence P. Mayer, physician and surgeon of Hudson, was born in Houston county, Minnesota, July 18, 1875, son of Anthony and Beatrice (Von Hoff) Mayer, natives of Germany. They came to the United States in the fifties and located first in Dubuque, Ia., where the father followed lumbering on the Mississippi for many years. They moved later to Minnesota, and the father died in 1878 at the age of fifty-one years. The mother passed away in 1875. In the family were four children. E. E. Mayer lives in Hudson; F. A. Mayer resides in Bemidji, Minn.; Laurence P. is the fourth son and C. A. Mayer, deceased, lived in Valley City, N. D. In early life Laurence P. decided to devote his life to the practice of medicine. After attending the public schools at Farmington, Minn., he entered the High School, and upon graduation from that institution he took a course in the Hamline University. His medical education was received in the medical department of the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, from which he graduated in 1900. Soon after graduation he took up the practice of medicine in Hudson, where he has since continued. He has a large practice, which is constantly growing. Dr. Mayer is a member of the State Medical Society, secretary of the St. Croix Medical Society, also a member of the State Board of Health and Vital Statistics. To the latter position he was first appointed by Governor LaFollett and later by Governor Davidson. He was a delegate to the American International Congress of Tuberculosis, held in New York in 1906, and a delegate from the state of Wisconsin to the American Public Health Association, comprising the United States, Dominion of Canada, Cuba and Mexico, held in Mexico City, Mexico, in 1906. In 1908 he was a delegate to the National Charities convention, held at Richmond, Va. Dr. Mayer has entered the local arena of politics and for eight years has served as a member of the Republican county committee. In a fraternal way he associates with the Elks and has been secretary of the local lodge for six years. He is also enrolled in a number of insurance orders. He was married May 19, 1908, to Laura Sophia, daughter of Joseph and Mary Hochstien, of Hudson. Dr. Mayer is widely known and well liked, and not only enjoys the confidence of the people of Hudson, but has also been honored with the esteem of the gentlemen of his own profession, not only in Hudson, but also at the various conventions that he has attended. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Peter Meath is a native of Ireland, born in 1842, son of John and Mary (Coleman) Meath. The parnets came to Milwaukee county, Wisconsin, in 1850, remaining there until 1857, coming to Erin township the following year. They took up a section of land at the government price of $1.25 an acre. Together with his sons, the father broke all the land and made all improvements, erecting some fine buildings. He continued general farming until June 22, 1877, when he died. The mother died in the month of August, 1860.
Peter received a good common school education in Ireland and Wisconsin, after which he took up boating on the St. Croix River for three years. Subsequently he returned home and located on 120 acres of the old homestead at Erin Prairie, Erin Township, presented to him by his father. He broke the land, made all improvements, built a house and barns and sunk a 122-foot drilled well. For several years wheat was the principal crop, but later Mr. Meath turned his attention to raising barley, oats and corn, and breeding graded Shorthorns, Berkshire and Chester White hogs and other live stock. Mr. Meath was married November 28, 1867, to Ann Phillips daughter of P. and Ann Phillips of Canada. Three children have blessed this union. John is a salesman at Minneapolis. Mary is a music teacher, now at home. She is very proficient, having pursued special courses in music at Prairie du Chien, Wis. Agnes, the youngest daughter is at home. Mr. Meath is a Democrat, and for twenty-one years has served as a member of School District No. 3. The family worships at the Catholic Church. Peter Meath was on of a family of six all of whom became respected residents of this section of the county. William is a successful farmer of Erin Township; Thomas was also a farmer in the same township being now deceased. John is an Erin Township farmer. Peter is the fourth of the family. Mary married Michael Martin, now deceased. She lives in New Richmond. Rose married and is now deceased.
(taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", volume 2, published in 1909)
Thomas F. Meath is a native of this township, born December 23, 1867, son of John and Mary (Donahue) Meath, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of the United States. The father came to this country, and after living a short time in New York, moved to Erin township, where he bought 120 acres, which he broke and improved. He is still living on the old homestead, carrying on a general farming industry and raising cattle, hogs and horses. Thomas F. was educated in the school District No. 3 in Erin township. He worked on the farm with his father and did general labor in his younger days. From 1889 to 1892 he spent at Tacoma, Wash., as an agent for the Tacoma Ice Company. In 1899 he purchased a farm of 160 acres in this township, and at once started making improvements on the place. In 1900 he built a beautiful home, valued at $2,000, nicely furnished and equipped with all modern conveniences. In 1906 he erected a fine new barn, which was destroyed by fire August 13, 1908, Mr. Meath immediately erecting a finer structure, valued at $2,500. In 1907 Mr. Meath added eighty acres more, adjoining his own property. He now conducts general farming, raising vegetables, grains, hay cattle, hogs fowls and horses. For thirteen years he has been general manager of the New Richmond Roller Mill Companys branch at Cylon, Wis.
He was married June 28, 1893 to Mary Walsh, daughter of Thomas and Bridget (Connelley) Walsh, natives of county Mayo, Ireland, who located in Erin in the early 50s. The mother is still living. This marriage was blessed with seven children as follows: Veronica was born June 5, 1895; Charles was born July 28, 1896; Clare, August 22, 1897; Ambrose, February 2, 1899; Leonore, October 25, 1900; Richard, January 17, 1902, and Robert, July 15, 1905. Mr. Meath is a Democrat in politics, an attendant of the Catholic church, and a member of the Cylon lodge, Ancient Order of Hibernians and New Richmond lodge, Catholic Order of Foresters. He has been school clerk of District No. 1 for two years. Mr. Meath has been very successful in all his undertakings and is generally regarded as a man of ability. He is a great believer in the public school system, and his children will be given the advantages of a good education.
(taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", volume 2, published in 1909)
William Meath was born in Ireland in 1832, son of John and Mary (Coleman) Meath. He came to Muskego, Wis., with his parents and engaged in farming with his father. Later he settled in Erin Township, purchasing 160 acres of land, which he broke making all improvements. Upon this farm he has continued to live, carrying on general farming and breeding livestock. William was married in the month of February 1858, to Rose Barrett, daughter of John and Susan Barrett. This union has been blessed with eight children. John married Mary Celty, and lives at Fargo, N. D.; Frank married Mary Cunningham, and lives in Cylon, Wis.; Thomas married Anna Ginley, and resides in Erin; Anthony married Annie Fischer; Dennis attends to the farmwork; Peter married Sadie Clark, and lives at Moorhead, Minn.; Ellen married William Grady, and resides in Erin, and Mary, the youngest married William Fitzgerald, a restaurant keeper in St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Meath enjoys the confidence of his fellow citizens. He has been town treasurer two terms and has served as a member of the school board. In politics he is a Democrat, and the family worships at the Catholic Church.
(taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", volume 2, published in 1909)
Albertus Mentink is a native of Cedar Grove, Holland township, Sheboygan county, Wis., born August 27, 1856, son of John and Jane (Bendenie) Mentink, natives of Netherland. The parents came to America and settled in Holland township, Sheboygan county, where they purchased 130 acres, which they broke and improved, erecting a house and outbuildings and carrying on a general line of farming, raising shorthorn and Jersey cattle and Berkshire white hogs. The mother died in the month of November 1864, and the father married Gertrude Princen, a native of Netherland. The father is still living in a beautiful home at Cedar Grove City, Holland Township, at the good old age of ninety-two years. Albertus received a good common school education in Cedar Grove City, after which he learned the shoemakers trade, which he followed three years. In 1878 he bought a farm of sixty acres in Baldwin, where he has since lived. He broke the land and made general improvements, including the construction of a house and outbuildings. In 1907 he built a new and modern barn, valued at $1,000. He does a diversified farming and raises stock. He was married February 18, 1879, to Johannah Obink, of Netherland, daughter of Durk W. and Jane Bendenie (Obnink) Obink, both now deceased. By this union there are six childrenJane Bendenie, born November 26, 1879, married Cornelius Locker, a farmer of Erin township, Wisconsin; William D., born July 20, 1881, married Hattie Scherurs, a farmer of Hammond township; Gertrude, born April 8, 1885, married Chris Gravink, also a Baldwin farmer; John B., born December 16, 1891; Edward A., born December 29, 1895, and Alma J., born May 20, 1900, are at home. Mr. Mentink is a Republican in politics. He has been supervisor of Baldwin three years and treasurer of school district No. 7 for five years. He is a member and elder of the Dutch Reformed church at Baldwin. Throughout all his life he has been very industrious and a very hard worker. His beautiful home speaks well for his own progressiveness, and Mrs.Mentinks ability in managing her household affairs. He is a strong believer in education, and his exemplary life has made the name of Mentink respected and honored wherever it is known. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
James Metlie is a native of Norway, born November 25, 1847, son of J. and Mary Metlie, prominent Norwegian farmers. James received a good education in his native country, and in 1871 came to America locating first at Minneapolis, Minn., opening a general store, which he conducted until 1876, when he sold out and went to the gold fields of the Black Hills. While there he met with many interesting adventures and acquired a considerable fortune, remaining until 1882. Taking a well-deserved vacation after years of hard work, he decided in 1882 to visit his old home in Norway. He remained abroad until the spring of 1883, when he returned to Minnesota and engaged in the lumbering business until 1903, when he came to Baldwin township and purchased eighty acres of land, all of which is now under cultivation. He has improved the land and repaired the buildings, making the place up to date in every respect. Among the special features of his farm life is a flock of Mountain goats, which he secured in South Dakota. Mr. Metlie is a Democrat in politics and attends the Lutheran church. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
D. H. Minier is a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1847, son of E. B. and Ariann Minier. The father combined the occupation of farmer with the profession of a Methodist clergyman. He came here in the early days and died in 1905. D. H. Minier came to St. Croix County in 1868 and settled in New Richmond, working in the woods, threshing and breaking land. Subsequently he started a livery barn, which he has continued for over thirty years. The business is now housed in a large brick barn on Main street, where there is a continual stock of from twenty-five to thirty horses, with fine vehicles and other equipment, which make the place the leading livery in New Richmond. Mr. Minier was married in 1880 to Emma Chambers, whose parents were old settlers, coming to this section in the early days. The father was a contractor and subsequently became mayor of La Crosse, this state. The mother was a Southern lay, a niece of General Stewart, of Confederate army fame. Her people were well to do and owned considerable land in the South. Mr. and Mrs. Minier have three children, Hugh, Emma and Thomas, all of whom are at home.
Mr. Minier is a Republican in politics, but has always refused to take public office, although the matter has been suggested to him several times. For thirty years he has been a Mason, and he had the honor of representing the New Richmond lodge at Milwaukee recently.
Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Nicholas Moelter was born in Germany September 25, 1846, son of John and Margaret Jenges Moelter. He was educated in the city and high school of Haragersper, Germany, and enlisted in the German army when twenty years of age and served through the German-Franco war. After the close of the war he engaged in farming in Germany until 1876, when he came to America, arriving in Judson, Wis., May 6, 1876, and left shortly afterwards for California, where he remained two years. He returned to Wisconsin, marrying Miss Elizabeth Knott, of Somerset, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, and they are the parents of four sons and five daughters, all living. Shortly after his marriage Mr. Moelter engaged in the restaurant business in Osceola, Polk County, Wis., which he conducted for five years, then moving to Judson, where he purchased the St. Croix Hotel property, which he owned for many years. He farmed for some time on the L Del farm, where O. H. Steindorff now resides. In 1901 he came to Troy Township and took up his residence at the home of his oldest son, J. L. Moelter, with whom he and his wife now reside. Mr. Moelter is a member of the German Catholic Church and he also belongs to the Knights of Columbus. In politics he is a Democrat, but has never been forwardly active in public affairs.
Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
James F. Monahan was born in Jewett, Erin Township, St. Croix County, January 24, 1870. He received a good education and is now engaged in the mercantile business at Jewett. He is a Democrat in politics and for many years has served as postmaster at Jewett, a position which he still retains. He is a member of the Catholic Order of Forester. He was married July 23, 1906, to Alice Clark, of New Richmond, Wis., a daughter of Frank and Margaret (Joyce) Clark, the former of whom is now deceased. The mother still lives in New Richmond. James F. Monahan is the son of Henry and Margaret (Williams) Monahan, both born in County Mayo, Ireland. They came to Erin Township in 1860, where the father bought a farm, which he broke and improved. Upon this place he resided until 1906, when he sold his property and retired, going to Everett, Wash., where he now resides. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Moore
JOSEPH MOORE was a hard working farmer of honest and upright habits, who owns one of the well-cultivated farms of Emerald Township; He is a quiet man, much devoted to his family, one who finds his greatest pleasures at his own fireside rather than the rush of turmoil of public and political life.
He was born in this township on the old Moore homestead June 15, 1866, son of Lawrence and Katherine Moore, now deceased, natives of Ireland, who settled in Emerald in the early days and continued farming operations with considerable success. Joseph received a good common school education and then took up farming with his father and his brothers, assisting in breaking, developing and cultivating the old home place. In 1901 he took possession of the place and erected a house and barns, fixing the farm up generally. He now carries on farming on a moderate scale, raising the usual crops and breeding a fair amount of livestock.
Mr. Moore was married June 14, 1892 to Mary Brown, daughter of Henry and Margaret (Shea) Brown, farmers of Warren. Her father died November 20, 1897 and her mother died November 4, 1899. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have 8 children. Henry Ervin, born April 21, 1893. Joseph born December 28, 1897. Margaret, born September 12, 1898. Celestine, born June 26, 1900. Lawrence, born June 2, 1902. John H. born May 4, 1904, and died February 4, 1905. Charles born December 14, 1905, and died November 1, 1906 and Mary born July 15, 1908.
Mr. Moore is a democrat, but has never sought public office. Being the father of a large family, all of whom will be given the opportunities for acquiring a goodly store of learning. Mr. Moore is naturally interested in the public school system and is a director of the board in school district No. 1.
LAWRENCE D. MOORE was born in Emerald, Wi. on April 10, 1869. Son of Lawrence and Katherine Moore (natives of Co. Carlow, Ireland), who came to America in the early 1850's. They located first at Hudson, WI., where the father worked on the river for two years. He then moved to Emerald, and took up farming. Lawrence D. received a good common school education and then took up farming on the old homestead, continuing for 20 years. Subsequently, he bought 80 acres of land in this township and broke the land, making general improvements. He later purchased 80 acres more. Upon this fine place now stands a beautiful residence built in 1898.
Mr. Moore was married to Katherine Garrity also of this township, a daughter of Edward and Katherine Garrity, who came to America from Ireland. There are three Moore children. Katherine was born March 17, 1892. Lawrence was born July 3, 1986 and Liz was born February 22, 1905.
Mr. Moore is a hard working man and has been most successful in all his undertakings. He is an independent voter, he belongs to the Catholic Church, and fraternizes with the Cylon Lodge, Modern Woodman of America and the Ancient Order of Hibernians. He is a director of School District No. 3 in which his services and advice are highly valued.
(From the History of St. Croix Valley, by EAston. Copyright 1909)
PATRICK MOORE, an early resident of Hudson was, according to his baptismal record, born Jan 30, 1829 in Hacketstown, county Carlow, Ireland. He was the son of Lawrence and Ann (Sweeney) Moore. It appears that upon his arrival in the US he went to Hartford, CT. where he applied for citizenship in 1853. He then came to St. Croix County and purchased 41 acres in Hudson on December 15, 1855 and additional property on April 1, 1857. His brothers John, Peter, Lawrence, Christopher and Joseph Moore also settled in the Hudson area. One brother,
Thomas Moore, made his home in Auburn, NY and died there in the 1870's. Another brother, Dennis Moore, and a sister, Elisa (Moore) McCabe, remained in Ireland.
Patrick was married to Norah McMahon, who was also from Ireland. However her birthplace in Ireland and parents names have not been found. Patrick and Norah had the following children, Anna Jane, born August 15, 1856. Charles Edward, born May 25, 1857, Lawrence, born Feb 19, 1860, Patrick Henry, born March 1861, John L, born April 28, 1863, Joseph W., born July 9, 1865, George E., born April 29, 1868, and Mary Elizabeth born Oct 26, 1870.
The family left Hudson in about 1867 and moved to Stillwater, MN. Patrick went into the grocery business, in partnership with Michael Kinsella, dealing in groceries and provisions under the name of "Moore & Kinsella". In 1876 they moved to a farm in Swift County, MN, living there until 1881 then moved to St. Paul, MN where they remained the rest of their lives. Norah Moore died on June 4, 1901 and Patrick on May 11, 1903. Both are buried at Calvary Cemetery in St. Paul.

Patrick and Nora Moore Family |
Thomas Mulvaney is a native of Canada, born April 11, 1848, son of Matthew and Catherine (Curn) Mulvaney, who came from Canada to Dunn county, Wisconsin, in 1870, and followed farming until the time of their death. Thomas received his early education in the common schools of Canada and then spent several years in the lumber woods of Michigan. In 8172 he came to St. Croix County and took up a homestead claim of eighty acres of wild timberland in Springfield township. To this he has added from time to time until he now owns, adjoining the village of Wilson on the south, 200 acres, all of which he stumped, cleared, broke and improved himself, doing the earlier work with the assistance of his oxen. He now carries on a general farming. Mr. Mulvaney was marrried in 1872, the same year that he came here, to Ellen Purtill, by whom he has seven children: James, John, Thomas, Margaret, Matthew, Ellen and Ida. James is a road operator, John owns a homestead in North Dakota, Thomas is timekeeper for a company on the iron range, and the rest of the children are at home. Mr. Mulvaney is a Democrat in politics and has served as school treasurer several years. He is a member of the American Society of Equity and attends the Catholic Church. He has made all by hard work and has been very successful. He is known far and wide as a man of honor and his name has been a respected one in the community for many years. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
John W. Mucy, master car builder for the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railroad at Hudson, is a native of Ohio, born September 17, 1854, son of Henry and Mary (Mitchell) Muncy, who came to Menominee, Wis., from their home in Ohio in the early sixties. John W. was educated in the public schools of Menominee and came to Hudson in 1872, entering the employ of the Omaha railroad shops. He passed through the various departments and branches and his knowledge, technical skill and faithfulness were rewarded in 1901, when he received his present position of master builder. In public life Mr. Mucy has been very prominent. For fifteen years he was alderman of the third ward of Hudson, president of the council several years and mayor of the city in 1907-08. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Independent Order of Foresters. He is popular and well liked, admired by his associates, respected by his employers, and honored by the 400 men of whom he has charge. Car building is Hudsons greatest industry. The plant of the Omaha railroad covers a larger area, employs more men, consumes more material, has a larger output and carries a larger pay roll than any other industry in the city. It is said that if the cars turned out each year by this one concern were placed in line they would extend across the state. Work on the freight cars, old and new, represents about 65 per cent of the total production, while the work on passenger equipment represents about 35 per cent. The entire plant is divided into three divisionsthe passenger department, the freight department and the foundry. The building, which houses the freight car department, is equipped with five tracks. The first one is used for the building of trucks, which are afterward removed to one of the other tracks. When the trucks reach their places all the material required for the building of the car is in readiness. This includes all the timer, the wrought an cast iron, lumber, bolts, screws, etc., which have previously been placed along the track. As soon as the freight car is constructed it is taken to the paint department, where it receives the lettering and the numbering. An interesting feature of the operations is the foundry. The entire operation of handling the molten metal and the finished product is by machinery. The only work done by the moulders is modeling and handling the patterns. All kinds of iron castings are made, ranging from the smallest thimble to the largest casting used in construction. The Omaha railroad bears the distinction of being one of the few roads that build all their own cars. The plant was located in Hudson in 1872, and at that time covered a very small territory. The fast increasing business of the rail necessitated many changes, and in 1892 the shops were completely rebuilt, today being the largest in the Northwest. The company pensions all employees after they reach the age of seventy, and the concern has never been known to discharge a man without cause. Mr. Muncy has been with the company over twenty-five years, having started as a common laborer and worked his way up. He now has few equals in his particular line in this part of the United States. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Murdock
Henry M. Murdock, M. D., was born in Antwerp, N. Y., in October 1823; moved to Gunning and attended school until 15 years of age; moved to Pulaski, N. Y., is the son of Dr. Hiram Murdock, with whom he studied medicine until 19, when he went to Castleton, Vt., and attended medical lectures, and graduated in May, at the age of 21 years; left for Dexter, and practiced medicine for three years. Married during this time Miss Cornelia A. Sanford, daughter of Dr. Sanford (from a family of doctors); moved to Pulaski and went into partnership with his father, and opened a drug store: this he followed until 1854, when declining health obliged him to go West. He came to Stillwater and bought the drug store and business of Dr. Carli, where he remained until 1858; from there went to Taylors Falls and practiced medicine, and the following year, started a drug store, and sold it; in the spring of 1860, removed to Hudson, and formed a partnership with Dr. Hoyt, where he remained until the fall of 1861, when he took the position of Assistant Surgeon in the 8th Wisconsin, which he held until 1865. He suffered with typhoid fever, when in camp, for four weeks, when he joined his regiment at Haines Bluff; was at the siege of Vicksburg, and every three or four nights went into the trenches on guard duty; was the first in the streets of Vicksburg after the surrender; was in the battle of Yazoo City and Mechanicsburg, June 4, 1863. Came home on a furlough; remained until October, when he returned to Vicksburg on the 28th following; went from there to Memphis, remaining the winter at LaGrange and Salisbury. Was in the Red River expedition with Banks; went with Gen. Smith and attacked Fort Derusy, the key to the Red River, in the night, and stormed the fort, taking three or four hundred prisoners. June 18, 1864, appointed Brigade Surgeon, by order of Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith. August 4, went home on veteran furlough; remained at home until Sept. 16, when he returned to Memphis; took charge of convalescent camp until Nov. 17, 1864. Sept. 1, 1865, started for home, arriving at Madison, Wis., Sept 16; paid off and left for Taylors Falls. Married, in the winter of 1865, to Capt. Allans daughter, Sarah J. Moved to New Richmond in February, 1866, and practiced medicine for two years, when he bought out the business of Gibson, and the business kept increasing obliging him from time to time to enlarge; this he sold four years ago last fall. On account of a disease contracted on the Yazoo River, he has been in the receipt of a pension and is now retired from business, but with an eye on it all; he owns a farm of 1,000 acres. He has two childrenCornelia A., Henry A.; Estell died in 1852, at Pulaski, N. Y. In the spring of 1849, started for the West, landing at Chicago, where at the time there was only ten miles of railroad from the town; took a satchel, and on foot, went to Janesville, Watertown, Oshkosh, and, not liking the country, while in Chicago was offered about five acres of land with a shanty on it for $300, where now stands the most populous part of the city. When he started in life, had an old mare and a sulky, a box of medicine and $8 in money, and he located in Dexter. When in Taylors Falls, walked twenty-six miles on foot to visit a sick patient too poor to buy a horse.
(Taken from "History of Northern Wisconsin" pub. 1881)