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Achterhof, Adams, Adgate, Aldridge, Andett, Anderson, Andrews, Armstrong, Arnquist, Ash, Aune Achterhof Matthue Achterhof is a native of Holland, born February 1, 1856, son of Jacob and Grace (Lait) Achterhof, of Holland, who came to America May 1, 1881, and lived with their son at Grand Rapids, Mich. The father died there in 1888. Matthue received his education in Holland and did military service two years, coming to America in 1881. He settled at Grand Rapids, Mich., and engaged in a furniture factory until 1888, when he started a general store, continuing for three years. He then came to Baldwin township in 1891 and purchased forty acres of land, half of which he broke, made general improvements, built a house and outbuildings. Mr. Achterhof was married in the month of September 1883, to Katie Borgman, also of Holland, daughter of Arand and Wilhelmina, who settled in Grand Rapids, Mich. Severn chldren have blessed this union: Jacob, Wilhelmina, Grace, John, Adraina, Johannas and Rena. Jacob married Dena Redimaker, of Baldwin, and Wilhelmina married Herman Gratenhause, of Erin Prairie, Wis. The other five are at home. Mr. Achterhof is a republican in politics and the family religion is that of the Reformed Christian church. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Adams Percy Adams is a native of Ontario, Canada, born September 30, 1876, son of Joseph and Hannah (Johnston) Adams, both natives of Canada. They came to Stanton, St. Croix county, Wis., in 1882, and took up farming, which they followed until Josephs death, April 16, 1906. Percy F. received a good common school education and attended the New Richmond High School. After leaving his studies he took up farming with his father. Later he bought the old homestead. One of his big barns was destroyed by lightning, September 12, 1905, entailing considerable loss. Mr. Adams does a general farming, paying particular attention to dairying. December 29, 1897, Mr. Adams was married to Angie, daughter of Roland and Mira Hemenway, prominent farmers of Star Prairie, Wis. Three children have blessed this union: Harold, Ward and Laura. All are at home and at school. For seven years Mr. Adams was clerk of school district No. 4, of Stanton, and his services have always been efficient and faithfully performed. He is an independent voter and belongs to the Modern Woodsmen, Fremont Lodge, No. 2,993, of New Richmond, Wis. The family worships at the First Baptist church, New Richmond. Mr. Adams is prosperous and progressive and well liked by all who know him. He works hard, and it is his ambition to have one of the best kept farms in the township. He is still a young man, and has yet many years of prosperity and honors ahead of him. Mrs. Adams is also a woman of ability, and the three bright children are being given the advantages of an excellent school education as well as ideal home training. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909Adgate L. J. Adgate is a native of this county, born at Troy, Wis., December 12, 1863, son of L. A. and Sarah (Lapham) Adgate. The mother was born in England and the father in Ohio. When the Civil war broke out the father was drafted by the Confederates, but being of union tendencies, he escaped and joined the federal army, serving in Company A, Fourth Kansas Cavalry. After a short time in the service, during which time he showed marked courage and bravery, he was stricken with a fever and died in a hospital. The mother, after having been burned out by the Confederates, reached the Ohio river and escaped, coming north to her home in Troy, Wis. She lived successively in Troy, Hudson and Boardman until 1873, when she was married to the Rev. J. W. Chariton, a Methodist clergyman, riding on the Cylon circuit. He died in 1903, and the widow now makes her home in River Falls, Wis. L. J. Adgate received a good education in the public schools and then entered the normal school at River Falls, Wis. For five years he taught school and in 1884 came to Cylon and clerked for the firm of Beebe Brothers & Co., dealers in general merchandise. In 1886 he and F. M. Beebe bought out this firm and conducted the store under the name of F. M. Beebe & Co. In 1889 F. M. Beebe sold his interest to S S. Beebe and the firm became Beebe & Adgate. In 1891 the store burned, entailing a loss of $5,000, only half of which was insured. Later Mr. Adgate started business for himself and continued same until 1893, when he sold out to R. S. Beebe. He then went to New Richmond and bought the "New Richmond Voice," a weekly newspaper. Under his management the paper increased its circulation and doubled its influence. In 1894 he sold the paper to E. J. Scott and returned to Cylon, again purchasing his old stand of R. S. Beebe. Since that time he has continued to manage the business and has made of it a pronounced success, his goods having a reputation for their quality for many miles around. In 1900 Mr. Adgate received the appointment as postmaster of the village of Cylon, which position he still retains greatly to the pleasure of the patrons of the office who have been so well served during his regime. In November 1888, L. J. Adgate was united in matrimony with Nora McNamara, of Cylon, daughter of Michael and Katherine (Hagerty) McNamara, natives of Ireland, who came to this country and became prominent farmers of Cylon. Mr. and Mrs. Adgate have no children, but have made a home for Mrs. Adgates brothers children, Myrtle and Margaret McNamara, to whom they have given a parents love and care. Mr. Adgate is a staunch Republican and an active advocate of the platform of that party. He also fraternizes with the Modern Woodmen of America, belonging to Cylon Lodge, No. 6,569. He is a public-spirited gentleman and an ardent friend of the public school system. He is a clever businessman, but always tempers his business dealings with the milk of human kindness, and his liberal handedness has made many poor people happy. He is also a loyal friend, loving husband and a good citizena true gentleman in everything that the word implies. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Aldridge A.H. Aldridge is one of the leading businessmen of Roberts, the business of which he has charge being one of the principal industries of the village. His career has been one of active participation in the grain business since early youth. He was born in Milwaukee, Wis., October 9, 1861, a son of Stephen Adridge. His father and mother died in Milwaukee. He received a good education and then took up the grain business, thoroughly mastering every detail. In 1882 he came to Roberts and started buying grain, an occupation for which his wide knowledge of grain conditions and market makes him eminently fitted and suited. At the present time he is secretary of the Wisconsin Elevator Company, which consists of three men, owning ten elevators and handling over 1,000,000 bushels of grain annually. Mr. Aldridge is one of the stockholders. He owns a handsome town residence and also 160 acres of land in the township. He is an up-to-date man, and his combined city and country training has made him a man whom it is well worth while meeting. Everything that he possesses he has made by his own hard labor and business sagacity. In 1887 he was married to Laura Lamson, daughter of David Lamson, of whom a sketch will be found in this history. Three children have blessed this union: Stephen is a graduate of the high school at Hudson, Wis., while Lucile and Alice are at home. Mr. Aldridge votes the Democratic ticket and for many years served as town treasurer. He is a good citizen, well liked by all. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909 Andett Charles Andett is a native of Michigan, born in June 1853. He is the son of Charles and Florence Andett. Charles, Sr., was a clerk in Canada, where he was born, but upon coming to Wisconsin in 1853 he took up farming, which he followed until the time of his death. Charles, Jr., after completing his education in the common schools also adopted farming as an occupation. He owns 240 acres of land, 200 of which are under the plow. All the breaking up and clearing was done by Mr. Andett and he made all the improvements on the place. He carries on general farming and stock raising. For twenty years he has run a threshing machine, which he has used in all parts of this section of the country. Mr. Andett, who votes the Democratic ticket, has served on the sideboard for two years. He has also held all the school offices. He is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters. He was married in 1876 to Mary Adams, by whom he has a family of eight children: Christian, William, Freddie, Lena, Emma, Annie, Jennie and Lottie. Mr. Andett is known in the community as a hard working citizen, always ready to shoulder his share of any effort that he believes to be for the good of the community at large. Mr. Andett resides in St. Joseph Township. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909Anderson A.G. Anderson is one of the early settlers of this part of the country. He remembers the time when his people were one of four families of white folks in Pierce county, this state, the remainder all being Indians. He has seen as many as 500 Indians together, some of them still savage, and decked in all the paint and feathers of war. He saw the beginning of the first building that was ever erected in River Falls, Wis., and has many interesting stories to tell of the days when all kinds of wild game, including deer, wolves, wild cats, etc. Abounded in wilds where populous villages now stand. Mr. Anderson was born in Norway, November 5, 1847, a son of Guturm and Christina Anderson. His parents came to the United States and settled in Pierce county in 1853. The father has followed farming all his life and is still living in River Falls, being over ninety-three years of age. A. G. worked on the farm and attended school in his earlier days, afterward working in the woods until twenty-six years of age. He then spent six years in a flour mill, being manager of all the teams and teamsters. After this he rented a farm for two years, then came to Forest township, St. Croix county, in 1881. He purchased a place in the woods and cleared the land, making many improvements. He now owns 236 acres of land, 160 being under the plow. Mr. Anderson still clings to the memories of early days and continues to reside in the log cabin which he built when he first settled here. He carries on general farming, raising some stock and selling considerable cream. Mr. Andersons wife and children have all helped to make the home, and Ray and Victor are the principal farmers on the home place now, doing most of the work. Mr. Anderson was married in 1877 to Semelia Headmark, daughter of Andrew and Sophia Headmark, by whom he had eight children; Augusta was a dressmaker. She married Michael Dorgan, of Hudson, and died in the month of March, 1908. Hilda is a dressmaker; Tobie received his education at McCoys bank in New Richmond, Wis, and is now cashier of a bank in Tacoma, Wash.; Clyde is a graduate of the Canton Business College at Minneapolis, Minn., and is now bookkeeper for the Northwestern Telephone Company at Fargo, N. Dak.; Ray is at home; Sadie is a school teacher, and Victor and Frank are at home. Mr. Anderson is a Republican in politics and has served on the side board for six years. He has also been school trustee for five years. He is an honest, hard working man, who has earned everything that he possesses by his own labors. The family are members of the Methodist church. (Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Albert Anderson was born in Polk County, on a farm in Eureka Township, this state, son of Carl and Anna Marie Anderson. His parents were born in Sweden and immigrated to the United States, locating at St. Croix Falls, Polk County, in 1869. In 1871 his father took up a homestead, which he improved and which he now owns and occupies. The mother died in 1904 at the age of sixty-nine years. Of her ten children six are now living. The early life of Albert Anderson was spent on a farm. In the summer he helped in the fields and in the winter attended the district schools. By close application to his work he so far surpassed the other scholars that he was chosen as teacher in the public school. At the age of twenty, seeing the need of a better education, he entered the Macalister college, where he stayed for two years, after which he went to Washington, D. C., and accepted a position with the government, arranging his work so that he could still pursue a course of study. During the two years spent at this point he attended the Columbia university, after which he went to Madison, Wis., where he was employed in the office of the secretary of state. While at Madison he decided to turn his attention to the law, and after a three years course at the law school at the State University he graduated in 1905. In the spring of that same year Mr. Anderson came to Hudson and formed a partnership with John L. Gleason. In December 1906, he bought out the business and now has one of the best-appointed law offices in the city. In September 1907, Mr. Anderson formed a partnership with N. O Varnum, and is now practicing under the firm name of Varnum and Anderson. Mr. Anderson is a genial and whole-hearted man and always inspires that feeling of confidence in the hearts of all who deal with him, which is so necessary to success in the law business. He is a young man, and is self-made, having that push and energy that si bound to bring him even more abundant success in the future. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)Daniel Anderson was an early settler, coming in 1850. He engaged in lumbering on Willow River; he kept the leading hotel in Hudson, which was burned in 1854; he rebuilt and went on until 1866; his hotel again burned with no insurance. In 1876, 1877 and 1878, he was City Treasurer. He died July 8, 1878, very highly respected by the people of Hudson and a large circle of acquaintances. (Taken from "History of Northern Wisconsin", pub. 1881) Edward Anderson, treasurer of the county of St. Croix, is a native of Hammond, this county, born July 24, 1862, son of Frank and Sarah (Ayers) Anderson, both born in England. They came to St. Croix County in the early sixties and engaged in farming. The father died in 1878 at the age of fifty-six and his wife passed to the great beyond in 1905, having exceeded by three years the allotted three score years and ten. In the family were six children, five of whom are still living. Frank lives on the homestead in Hammond township; Alice, the wife of T. J. Walford, also lives in Hammond; Edward C. was the third in the family; Emma is deceased; Sarah is the wife of M. N. O'Brien of New Richmond, this county, and Hannah M. still continues to live in Hammond. Edward C. was educated in the public schools of the town of Hammond and then entered Business College. After that he engaged in farming with his brother Frank on the old homestead, consisting of 440 acres, until 1896, when he removed to a farm of his own consisting of eighty acres in the same township, where he conducted farming operations with great success, raising a general crop. He continued on this farm, which he still owns, until 1900, then locating in the village of Hammond, engaging in the farm implement and harness business until 1907, when he was elected to his present office of county treasurer on the republican ticket by a large majority. He received his second nomination without opposition September 1, 1908, and was elected. He has always taken an active interest in public affairs, especially in politics, and is known among his associates as a hard and earnest worker, thoroughly believing in the merits of his party and yet never descending to anything that is not honest and upright in his labors for the party. He believes in the utmost fairness to all and practices this belief in all his dealings. He has been secretary of the county committee, chairman, and delegate to important conventions for many years, and president and supervisor of the village of Hammond. He is a popular member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Anderson was married July 15, 1896, to Catherine S. O'Brien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Brien, of Warren Township, this county. They have two children, Joseph E. , born June 7, 1900, and an infant daughter, born August 28, 1908. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Frank Anderson is a native of Waukesha, Waukesha county, this state, born August 29, 1856, son of Frank and Sarah (Sayers) Anderson, natives of England, who came to America in 1855 and located at Waukesha, where they remained six years. In 1861 they came to Hammond township and purchased eighty acres of land, adding from time to time until they owned 440 acres, nearly all of which was broken by the male members of the family, wheat being the principal crop raised. The father died in June 1878, and the mother passed away in June, 1905. Frank received a good education in the public schools of Hammond, after which he took up farming with his father. At the time of the latters death he took charge of the estate, which he has developed and improved, erecting modern farm buildings and a beautiful house. Mr. Anderson is unmarried, and has four sisters and one brother. Alice married T. J. Wilford, rural carrier of Hammond; Sarah married M. N. Obsien, a barber of New Richmond, this state; Emma died at five years; Hannah M. is at home, and E. C. is serving his second term as treasurer of St. Croix County. Mr. Anderson is a staunch Republican, and has served terms as clerk and treasurer of School District, No. 6. He affiliates with the Congregational church. His chief aim in life has been to be honest and upright. There is no one who lives who can say a word against him, and he is one of those men whom to know is to like. His farm is well kept, and he is well to do, his hard work having been crowned with success. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Henry Anderson, lawyer, is a native of Norway, born in the month of January, 1855, a son of Andrew and Bertha (Nelson) Anderson, who were respected residents of the old country, where they lived and died. Henry received an excellent education in his native land, and in 1874 located at Madison, Wis., afterward coming to Baldwin, in 1875. He started work on a farm. Subsequently he attended the schools of Madison for two years, supplementing the excellent education, which he had already received, with training in English. He studied law in the office of H. F. Woodward, Senator Clapp and Armstrong Taylor until 1883, when he was admitted to the Wisconsin bar. He started the practice of his profession in 1884 in Cumberland, Wis., and after nine months came to Baldwin, where he continued to follow his profession until 1905, when he was elected cashier of the Bank of Baldwin, in which capacity he has since remained. During his years of labor as an attorney he was actively engaged in politics, being a staunch adherent of the Republican party. He has been chairman of the county board and of the county Republican committee. He has also held several town offices, and was elected to the state legislature, 1901, where his services attracted favorable attention. He is a member of the Masonic order, being a Knight Templar. His name also appears on the membership roll of tyh Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America. He was married in 1886 to Lizzie O. Falck, by whom he has three children: Axel is a bookkeeper in the bank; Bert S. graduated from the Baldwin High school and now works for a Duluth wholesale hardware house, and Elmer is at home. P. C. Anderson was born in Norway, August 11, 1849, son of Hawkni and Ellen Anderson. He came to this country in 1869 and located on a farm in Hammond. Previous to this he had received an excellent education in the old country. He worked on a farm in the township of Hammond and then came to the village to work for the same man in the hardware store. He continued in this store until 1878, when he built a shop, where he has since made a business of selling machinery. In 1892 he saw the need of a financial institution in Hammond and was instrumental in organizing the Bank of Hammond, which operated in his machine shop office while the fine brick block, which it now occupies was being built. The bank has a capital stock of $10,000, one half of which is owned by Mr. Anderson, who is at present the cashier and has previously served as president. Mr. Anderson was married in 1878 to Celia, daughter of Dr. George L. Francis. There are two children. Zelma lives at home and Harley is assistant cashier and stockholder in the bank. Mr Anderson has been an officeholder in the village since the time of its incorporation, in 1882. He was mayor for a number of years, also treasurer and supervisor. In 1906 he was elected to the legislature on the Democratic ticket, winning over a Republican majority of 1,200, which he overcame, and ran 426 ahead. He is a Democrat in politics, and has always been a leader in public opinion and affairs. He is a Mason and a member of the I. O. O. F. Mr. Anderson has dealt more or less in real estate and is the owner of considerable property in and about Hammond. The Bank of Hammond will stand as a perpetual monument to his far-sightedness and business sagacity. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Andrews James Amasa Andrews James A. Andrews received his education in the common schools of Hudson. In 1862 he was given a position as school teacher in the township of Warren, this state. The following year he taught in St. Joseph Township. In August, 1864, he enlisted in Company A, forty-fourth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and went immediately to Nashville, where the regiment was placed under General Thomas, doing guard duty between Nashville and Cattanooga. Just before the battle of Nashville he was appointed hospital steward for the regiment, which position he held until the quota for the regiment was filled. In February 1865, he was appointed regimental clerk, serving in his office with much credit until mustered out July 2, 1865. Upon returning to Hudson he entered the employ of the First National bank, commencing as a bookkeeper. In 1870 Mr. Andrews joined a surveying party on the Northern Pacific railroad line, remaining for fifteen months and then returning to his duties at the bank. His promotion from his original position was rapid, and after passing through the various positions of trust and honor in the institution he was serving as cashier when, in August, 1890, he resigned, after twenty-two years of faithful service. June 4, 1877, Mr. Andrews married Ellen Miriam Gibson, born in Binghamton, N.Y., October 7, 1849, daughter of Marcus and Catherine (Butterfield) Gibson. The father was born in Alexandria, N.Y., December 26, 1816, and the mother was born in Wocott, N.Y., June 8, 1819. They were married in September, 1847, and had three children: Mrs. James A. Andrews, Elbridge Dayton, deceased, and Frederick Morris, of Minneapolis, Minn. The father died March 25, 1860, and the mother passed away November 25, 1889. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews have two children: Ruth Catharine, born December 27, 1878, and Charles Gibson, born March 29, 1885. Mr. Andrews has always been interested in public affairs and has occupied a number of important public positions. Since 1870 he has been city surveyor almost continuously. For many years he was secretary and treasurer of the Willow River Cemetery association, and at the present time he is secretary of the Soldiers Relief Fund, a member of the park board, a director of the Hudson Carnegie library, and a member of the Edward A. Clapp post, G. A. R. The family are members of the First Baptist church, of Hudson. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Armstrong Alfred G. Armstrong, cashier of the People's National bank, is the son of Thomas S. and Rebecca (Boys) Armstrong. He was born in Guelph, Ontario, November 12, 1860. His father was born May 18, 1817, in Michigan, and the mother May 25, 1832, in Canada. They were married in Guelph Township, Ontario,. Alfred G. is the third of a family of sixteen children, all of whom still survive. John R., of Spring Valley, is the only other one in the United States.Alfred attended the public schools in his native town and worked on his fathers farm until he attained his majority. In 1887 he settled at River Falls, Wis., engaging in the milling and elevator business. In 1893 he entered the bank at Ellsworth, Wis., as bookkeeper, and in 1894 purchased an interest and was elected as one of the directors. Four years later he was one of the inocrporators of the Foss-Armstrong Hardware company, of Ellsworth, Wis., and has served as vice president ever since. In 1903 they opened a branch store in Hudson, Wis. In 1901 he moved to the pacific coast, where he engaged in the mercantile business for two years. He returned to Hudson in 1903 and continued in the hardware business as manager until 1905, when he with others incorporated the People's State bank, of Hudson, of which institution he was elected cashier. He still retains his interest in the Ellsworth bank and in the hardware company. Mr. Armstrong was united in marriage, October 14, 1896, with Caroline E. Foss, a daughter of Samuel and Mary E. (Johnson) Foss, of South Dakota. They have two children, Aloa C. and Audrey F. Mr. Armstrong is one of the leading citizens of Hudson, energetic and enterprising, honest and upright in all his dealings. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Arnquist Andrew Arnquist was born in Sweden, June 20, 1842, son of N. M. and Annie (Asp) Arnquist, who left their native country and settled in Star Prairie, St. Croix county, Wis., in 1869. He attended the common schools of Sweden and then worked at the lumber business, laboring in sawmills in the summer time and in the woods in the wintertime. Upon coming to America in 1866 he worked on a farm near Red Wing, Minn., six months and then attended school for a similar period. In 1867 he came to Star Prairie and took up farming and lumbering on Apple river, which at that time was one of the centers of lumbering activity in this section. Two years later his parents came to America and settled in the same town. In 1875 Mr. Arnquist purchased 160 acres in Star Prairie Township. House and barns soon adorned the property, and the numerous outbuildings were not long in building. For several years the principal crop was wheat. Later Mr. Arnquist took up general farming. Among the buildings on the farm that never fail to attract the attention of persons passing the place is a large and modern barn, built in 1908, at a cost of over $1,500. Mr. Arnquist was married in Star Prairie, May 4, 1876, to Christina Johnson, a daughter of John and Carrie Johnson, well known farmers of Sweden, who lived and died in the old country. This marriage was blessed with six children. Edna, the oldest, taught school for a time and is now the wife of William Giberson, of Cantlean, Idaho. Mabel, the second daughter, is now a schoolteacher. Inez teaches school at Seattle, Wash. Ida is a telephone operator at Cantlean, Idaho. Victor and Erving are at home on the farm. Edna, Mabel and Inez graduated from New Richmond, Wis., High School. By a previous marriage Mrs. Arnquist had two children, Hilda and Carrie Paulson, the latter of whom is now deceased. Mrs. Arnquist passed away in the month of March, 1903, at the old homestead, where she had been brought as a bride and where she had spent all of her married life. Mr. Arnquist has always taken a deep interest in public affairs and has been honored by his fellow townsmen of Star Prairie with such positions as side supervisor, director on school board and assessor, the latter position having been held by him for a period of five years. He is a staunch Republican and attends the Lutheran church. There were nine of the Arnquist brothers and sisters, all of whom have had a part in the development of St. Croix county, Wisconsin, in the city of Little Falls. Andrew was the second child and the oldest boy of the family. Nels is a farmer of Star Prairie Township. Christiana lives in the same township. John M. lives in Stanton Township. Mrs. Annie Homquist is now dead. Mrs. Carrie Libby lives in New Richmond. The eighth child is Judge Arnquist, of Hudson, and the youngest is Mrs. May Anderson, of New Richmond.C. W. Arnquist was born in Red Wing, Minn., in 1871, a son of Nels Arnquist, a successful farmer, whose sketch appears in this volume. He received a common school education in the public schools and finished with a business course at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., graduating in 1893. He worked with his father and farmed until 1896, when he began clerking for E. A. Glover, of New Richmond, dealer in general merchandise. In 1903 Mr. Arnquist started business for himself in his present store, succeeding the Rulein Brothers & McNally. Upon purchasing the store, Mr. Arnquist added a grocery department and later a dry goods annex. He now has the largest store in New Richmond, and his place bears the name "The Big Store." In 1907 McNally, who had been his partner, severed his connection with the concern and Mr. Arnquists brother-in-law, L. A. Libby, and his brother, Elmer Arnquist, became interested in the business, which is now operated by these three gentlemen. C. W. Arnquist is the largest stockholder. He was married in 18to Agnes Libby, daughter of Lyman and Caroline (Arnquist) Libby. By this marriage there are two robust sons, Warren N. and Robert L. Mr. Arnquist is a Republican in politics and belongs to the I. O. O. F. For many years Mr. Arnquist had up-hill work in building up his business. He worked night and day thoroughly determined to succeed and was not daunted by any obstacle. He has reaped the reward of his toil and now does the largest business in the city, carrying a stock of $20,000. He stands well among his fellow townsmen, and is known far and wide for the honesty of his business methods. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909 John M. Arnquist is one of a large family of brothers and sisters who have made their names honored and respected throughout the community. He was born in Sweden, July 13, 1851, son of Nels M. and Anna (Asp) Arnquist, who settled in Star Prairie, St. Croix county, Wis., in 1868. John M. received a common school education in Sweden, and after settling in Star Prairie with his parents he attended school at Huntingdon; then he bought, improved and sold land. In 1878 he bought 120 acres for himself, which he improved, erecting a large house and roomy barns. Upon this farm he carried on diversified farming, raising grain and livestock. Here he continued until 1901, when he sold out and bought 240 acres in Stanton Township, in the same county. He at once set to work developing this land, and he now has 190 acres under the plow. The buildings, which he erected, include a large barn built in 1902 and valued at $2,000. A beautiful new house erected at a cost of $4,000 is just completed. It is one of the finest houses in the township, with all modern conveniences, including hot-air heat, hot and cold water, bathtubs and a large air pressure tank. Near the house is also a 100-foot cement well and windmill of great power. Mr. Arnquists progressive spirit is shown by the fact that he has christened his place the Fair View Stock Farm. The horses raised on this farm are known far beyond the borders of the state.Mr. Arnquist was married in 1878 to Edith P. Paulson, of Chicago, daughter of John and Kristine (Clements) Paulson, of Sweden. Her father died in Louisiana. He was formerly postmaster and merchant at Vasa, Goodhue County, Minn., where the mother died. Mr. and Mrs. Arnquist are the proud parents of thirteen children: W. Bennett, a clothing clerk in Seattle, Wash. He was married to Nora Whitman, of Rudolph, Wis. M. Ethelyn and James F., who are at home; N. Leonard, assistant postmaster at New Richmond, Wis.; John P., a graduate of the New Richmond High School, is also at home; Charles S., also a graduate of the same school and working for the Ward S. Williams Company, New Richmond; Otto C., Anna K., Harry H., A. Samuel, A. Lyman, R. Lawton and Sigfried D. are at home and attending school. Mr. Arnquist votes the Republican ticket. His public offices include treasurer of Star Prairie township, assessor, clerk and director of school board. He is one of the influential and prosperous men of the community, and is one of those people who believe in up-to-date methods and ideas. His beautiful house and well-kept farm speak for themselves as to his progressiveness and good taste. Mention of the nine brothers and sisters of Mr. Arnquist will be found in the sketch of his brother, Andrew, which appears in this volume. Mr. Arnquist was one of the organizers and founders of the Swedish Lutheran church at Huntingdon, in Star Prairie Township, in 1874 and continued active in its affairs until he moved to his farm in Stanton. Then, in 1906, he was largely instrumental in securing for the congregation in the city of New Richmond the handsome church edifice, which it now owns and occupies, Mr. Arnquists new farm home being but two miles from the city limits. In 1901 Mr. Arnquist had much to do with the preliminary work of securing for his locality its first rural free delivery mail routes. He circulated the petition for one of the first three routes out from New Richmond, the original route, No. 3, and served that route as mail carrier very efficiently from February 1, 1902, until April 1, 1906, when he found it necessary to resign in order to give his full time and attention to the duties of the farm. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909 Nels Arnquist was born in Sweden, September 18, 1844, son of Nels and Annie (Asp) Arnquist, who came to America and started farming in 1868. The mother died in 1896, and the father passed away in 1898. Nels Arnquist received his education in the schools of Sweden and came to the United States in 1866, locating at Red Wing, Minn. In 1867 he removed to Star Prairie and settled on a farm, working on the Apple river and in the woods. Later he purchased the farm and made general improvements, putting in many years of hard work to bring the land to a high stage of cultivation. He now owns 240 acres, 180 of which is under the plow. The house, the buildings and the farms all show prosperity and the best of care. Mr. Arnquist was married in 1870 to Catherine Johnson, whose parents lived in the old country and never came to America, although often urged to do so. Mr. Arnquist is a Republican in politics. He has been chairman of the town, an assessor, a member of the sideboard and also a school officer. He has always been known as a public-spirited man, and he well deserves all the success that he has won. He is universally well thought of, and his family also occupies an excellent position in the community. Mrs. Arnquist died in 1906. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909 Otto W. Arnquist was born in Wermland, Sweden, April 1, 1858, and came to America with his parents in 1868, settling in the town of Star Prairie, Wis. He was educated in the public schools of Star Prairie and New Richmond, and at the normal schools at River Falls. His law education was received with the Hon. H. L. Humphrey, at Hudson, with whom he later formed a partnership for the practice of law under the firm name of Humphrey and Arnquist. In May, 1884, he was admitted to the bar, and in November of the same year he was elected clerk of the circuit court. To this office he was re-elected in 1886 and 1888. For one year he served as city attorney of Hudson and was on the board of education seven years, a larger part of the time as president of the board. He was elected county judge of St. Croix county in 1897 and returned to that office without opposition in 1901 and 1905, discharging well the duties of this office. He is recognized as a man of more than ordinary strength of intellect. A prominent attorney who has known Judge Arnquist for many years says: "He is a well educated lawyer and one in whom an appreciation of justice and equity is unusually developed He is a great reader and has always taken an appreciative interest in all public questions. It is seldom that one finds these characteristics more fully developed or more harmoniously blended than they are in the case of Judge Arnquist." In addition to his legal achievements he has served for many years on the board of directors of the First National bank, of Hudson, and is now vice president of that institution. March 9, 1886, he married Caroline Jacobson, who passed away January 29, 1889. July 11, 1893, he married Hannah T. Michalson, by whom he had eight children, four of whom are living, viz.: Otto W., Anna T.,Katherine H. and Ruth E. Mr. Arnquist is a republican in politics. Fraternally he is a Mason, a member of St. Croix lodge, No. 56; St. Croix chapter, No. 44, and St. Croix commandery, No.14. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Ash William H. Ash is a native of Fond du Lac, Wis., born in April, 1852, son of W. D. Ash, a stock buyer, grain dealer and merchant, who settled in that county in the early days.William H. received a common school education and then took a course in the high school. He worked at farming and clerked in his fathers store until 1902, when he came to St. Croix county and bought the farm of 180 acres in Warren township, which his son Leland now manages. Shortly afterward he bought an interest in the State bank, of Roberts, and became its cashier, in which position he has since remained. Mr. Ash was married in 1872 to Martha Hales, of his own native county. This union has resulted in four children: Leland, on the farm; Frank, assistant cashier of the bank; Bert, bookkeeper in the bank, and William E. Ash. Mr. Ash votes the Democratic ticket and affiliates with the I. O. O. F. He is a public spirited and successful citizen and is regarded as an authority on financial matters. The bank of Roberts is an excellent institution. Its report, May 14, 1908, was as follows: ResourcesLoans and discounts, $40,418.46; overdrafts, $242,62; banking house, $1,064.17; furniture and fixtures, $1,561.52; due from banks, $2,374.45; checks on other banks and cash items, $606.85; cash on hand, $1,323.73; total, $47,691.79. LiabilitiesCapital stock paid in, $5,000; undivided profits, $606.11; individual deposits, subject to check, $17,572.70; time certificates on deposit, $24512.02; savings deposits, .96; total, $47,691.79. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909 |
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