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Bailey Dana Reed Bailey was a native of Montgomery, Vt., born April 27, 1833. He was reared on one of the Vermont farms, where the Puritan staunchness of character was so instilled into his being that it remained with him through life, making him admired by associates and friends and feared by evil doers. Like other boys of his time he attended the district schools and there received the rudiments of an education. This was supplemented by studies in Bakersfild Academy, Leland Seminary and Oberlin College, Ohio, in which latter school he took a two years course. Making use of the wide and excellent education thus obtained, he taught district school three terms, select school six months and the Beekman school at Saratoga, N.Y., one year. He then commenced the study of law in June, 1856, entering the law office of the late Chief Justice Royce, of Vermont. In 1859 he was graduated from the Albany Law school at Albany, N.Y., and commenced the practice of law in May of that year at Underhill, Vt. In February, 1860, he removed to Highgate, Vt., and practiced law there until September 1, 1865. While at Highgate he occupied many prominent positions. He was town agent two years, trustee of the Unites States surplus fund two years, deputy collector of United States customs three years and a quarter, and special agent of the United States war department for six months. In 1863 he was appointed secret agent of the United States treasury, holding this appointment three years. September 1, 1864, he opened a law office at St. Albans, Vt., entering into a co-partnership with Park Davis, February 3, 1865. A year later H. C. Adamns was added to the firm. Mr. Bailey was a delegate to the Republican national convention in 1868 and a member of the state central committee for two years. For two terms he served as states attorney of Franklin County, and went to the state senate in 1870, being re-elected two years later. He was chairman of the judiciary committee and was also honored with the appointment as chairman of a committee of five gentlemen named to investigate the Vermont Central Railroad. This committee, appointed by a joint resolution of house and senate, did not conclude its work until July, 1873. For two years Mr. Bailey was a school director of St. Albans. In 1871 he came westward and was the proprietor of the village site of Baldwin, St. Croix County, Wis. He built the Matchless flouring mills at that place, was the owner of three sawmills and half owner of two elevators. For ten years he was engaged in manufacturing flour and lumber, merchandising and farming, and for several years he owned a larger herd of Shorthorns, which in 1877 sold in Chicago for the highest average price of any herd in the United States that year. In 1874 he moved his family to Baldwin, and was president of the village three years, treasurer one year and director of village schools seven years. In 1877he was nominated for the state senate by acclamation by the Republican convention of the Twenty-fourth senatorial district, comprising seven towns, and received all but fifty-seven votes cast out of 3, 131, the Republican nominee for the assembly having only ninety-nine votes majority in the county. Mr. Bailey was chairman of the judiciary committee in the senate in 1879. He was elected chairman of the county committee of St. Croix County in 1880 and was re-elected the next year. December 19, 1882, he resigned, and on December 21, went to Sioux Falls, S. Dak., taking charge of the Northwestern Mutual life insurance business in South Dakota until March, 1884. March 11, of that year he opened a law office in the Masonic Temple, in Sioux Falls. In January, 1886, he formed a partnership with his old partner, Park Davis, and a W. H. Lyon was added to the firm two years later. He was city attorney from 1885 to 1889 and on the 21st day of August, 1890, upon the resignation of C. O. Bailey, was appointed states attorney for Minnehaha county. By subsequent elections he held the office until 1895, continuing the practice of law. In the territorial days of South Dakota Mr. Bailey was a member of the Republican central committee two years, and in 1895-96 was a member of the state board. In January 1902, he was elected county judge of Minnehaha county, South Dakota, which position he held until his death, March 23, 1908. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Nelson B. Bailey is a native of St. Albans, Vt., born January 11, 1865, a son of Dana Reed Bailey, of whom a sketch is found in this history. He received his early education in the public schools and then attended the Shattuck Military academy at Faribault, Minn. After finishing school he entered the employ of Judd and Allyn at Baldwin, Wis., as bookkeeper. Here he remained until 1884, in the fall of which year he went to Sioux Falls, S. D., with the Minnehaha National Bank. In 1892 he returned to Wisconsin and became cashier of the Farmers and Merchants State bank, at River Falls, where he remained for five years. From 1897 to 1899 he was with the Bank of Hudson. In 1899 Mr. Bailey was appointed cashier of the Bank of Baldwin, Wis., and in 1905 was elected president of the same institution. In November 1905, he became associated with the Peoples State bank, of Hudson, Wis., as vise president. He now holds the position of president of the Bank of Baldwin, and is vice president of the Peoples State Bank of Hudson. He is also president of the Mortgage and Loan Trust company, of Hudson. October 19, 1898, Mr. Bailey was united in marriage with Miss Elva Barber, who was born in Lancaster, Wis. By this union there are three children: George R., born September 15, 1899; Dana H., born February 6, 1903, and Charles N., born April 9, 1906. Fraternally Mr. Bailey has passed thirty-two degrees in Masonry and is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Baker (Northern Wisconsin Railway Attorney) Henry C. Baker was born in Stafford, Genessee county, New York, November 16, 1831. He came from an old New England family, whose forefathers on both sides of the house fought in the Revolutionary war, and he is a direct descendant of the famous Captain Remember Baker, prominent among the early settlers of Vermont, who was shot on Lake Champlain in the beginning of the struggle for freedom in 1776. At the time of his birth Mr. Bakers parents, Luther A. and Mercy (Stannard) Baker, were in humble circumstances. They were typical specimens of that early race of sturdy and intelligent men and women, who, starting from the land of the Pilgrims and Puritans, have gradually marched westward, bringing with them the moral, intellectual and physical stamina derived from the hardy emigrants, who in the seventeenth century dared the perils of the sea and encountered the hardships and privations of life in a new and unexplored country to secure to themselves and their children the inestimable privileges of freedom of conscience.The early life of our subject was spent upon his fathers farm, which, like other boys in those days, he assisted in cultivating. After the age of twelve he did a mans work, his only opportunity for educational advancement being that afforded at the short winter term of the district school. This discipline, however, was supplemented by those acquirements, which came to him through his strong desire for more liberal attainments. Possessed of a retentive memory, he devoted his attention at other wise unoccupied moments to reading such books of history, biography, travels and general literature as in those early days and in his secluded country home he could obtain, thus rounding out a broad general information. The necessities of this comparative frontier civilization, however, proved the most potent factor in the formation of his character. As is the case of the majority of the successful men of the country, it was the struggle under adverse circumstances and the improvement of opportunities that gave him the independence and self-confidence which has marked him among the prominent men of his time and locality. At the age of eighteen (1849) he attended for one year the Genessee and Wyoming seminary in his native county, from which he entered the New York Normal college at Albany, where he graduated in 1854, and immediately returned to a professorship in the Genessee and Wyoming seminary, teaching mathematics and the natural sciences. While here he commenced the study of law, and faithfully and critically read Blackstone, Kent and Chitty during spare hours. In 1857 our subject entered the law office of Hon. Moses Taggart, at one time judge of the New York court of appeals, at Batavia, the county seat of his native county. From there he returned to Albany with the intention of pursuing his studies in the law school of that city. Law schools in those days were radically different from those of the present time, and Mr. Baker very soon concluded that he could prosecute his studies much more successfully by engaging in the actual work of the practice of the law in a good law office. He therefore entered the office of Willet and Hawley, in Albany, and in 1858 was admitted to the bar in that city. He at once returned to his native county and opened an office and commenced the practice of his profession at Batavia. In the spring of 1859, soon after the St. Croix and Lake Superior railroad was projected, Mr. Baker, anticipating rapid advancement in northern Wisconsin, sought this then new and undeveloped portion of the state as his home. It was a region rich in resources, affording boundless chances for the vigorous and sturdy character that had been formed in the state of his birth, a region of which everything was yet to be developedmines to be opened, farms to be improved, vast forests of valuable timber to be transported to market, railroads to be built, wealth to be created. An inviting field this for a young man of nerve and force. Soon after Mr. Baker settled at Hudson he became attorney for the St. Croix and Lake Superior Railroad Company. It held a charter for the construction of a road from St. Croix Lake to the head of Lake Superior and on of the most valuable grants of land ever conferred by congress upon a state for internal improvements. The company had just entered upon the work of constructing its road when the war of the Rebellion broke out and prevented the further prosecution of the enterprise, which was for the time being abandoned for want of capital. At the close of the war, when the finances of the country again assumed their normal condition, Mr. Baker was most untiring and persistent in his efforts to revive this dormant enterprise and to direct the attention of capitalists to this magnificent opportunity for profitable investment. In the year 1868 he so far succeeded that he found men of abundant capital who would take the charter and build the road but for the fact that, by the terms of the grant of the lands by congress, the title to the unearned portions of the lands would revert to that general government unless the road was completed May 5, 1869. The time was so short that capitalists could not be induced to undertake the work. Mr. Baker, however, insisted that, notwithstanding the provision of forfeiture in the act granting the lands in case the road was not completed by the day specified, the state would still retain the title and could confer the grant upon any company that would build the road, unless this right was determined by act of congress, or by decrees of court, of which there was not the remotest probability, in case the state was in good faith engaged in the execution of the trust. Unfortunately, however, the prevailing opinion at that time was adverse to this view, the general opinion being that upon the date specified the title of the state would be divested and its powers to devote the lands to the purpose for which they were granted would cease. In the meantime the valuable pine forests upon the grant were being despoiled by trespassers, the state authorities declining to protect the lands, as they were soon to revert to the United States, and the officers of the general government refusing to interfere for the reason that they were not yet restored to the public domain. In the winter of 1868-69 Mr. Baker went to Madison, and by much effort and perseverance induced the legislature to pass a law authorizing the governor to appoint an agent to protect these valuable pine lands. While the legislature yielded to his solicitation and passed the law, it was universally regarded as useless legislation, in view of the fact that, upon the opening of spring, the state would no longer have any land grant to protect. The governor, however, appointed as such agent General Samuel Harriman. The lumbermen laughed at the general, defied his authority and continued boldly and openly the work of spoliation. In the meantime Mr. Baker was laying his plans to seize the logs cut upon the grant when they came down the river, thereby forcing the lumbermen to litigate their title, which would, of course, put in issue the title to the lands. In September 1870, Mr. Baker formed a partnership with the then young and gifted attorney, Colonel J. C. Spooner, late United States senator. Mr. Spooner at once grasped the situation and concurred fully with Mr. Baker in his opinion as to the title to the land grant. Under their direction the state agent, General Harriman, seized several million feet of logs, all of which were cut upon the grant after May 5, 1869. These logs were at once replevied by the lumbermen, and the cases, eleven in number, were transferred to the United States circuit court. The case of Schulenberg vs. Harriman was selected as a test case. Judge Miller, of the United States supreme court, presided at the trial, and after a full hearing, upon which the lumbermen were represented by some of the ablest lawyers in the northwest, the court decided the case in favor of the state of Wisconsin, holding that the grant had not been divested by the lapse of time and that the state was and would remain the owner of the land, charged with the execution of its duty as trustee of the general government until divested by a decree of court or an act of congress. The case was taken to the supreme court of the United States and the judgment of the circuit court affirmed. As the result of this litigation capitalists at once came forward and offered to build the road. The grant was saved to the state and the road was built from Hudson to Bayfield under a charter granted to a corporation known as the North Wisconsin Railway Company. Cities and towns have sprung up along the line of this road, and one of the richest portions of the northwest has been developed. Probably no suit that has ever been tried in the northwest involved so large an amount, as the land grant was worth many millions of dollars. That the grant would have been lost to the state and the construction of these roads delayed for a generation but for the zealous and determined efforts of Mr. Baker is concede by all who are familiar with the facts. In the meantime the West Wisconsin railroad had been constructed and Mr. Baker became the general solicitor of the North Wisconsin company and Colonel Spooner of the West Wisconsin. Subsequently these and other roads were consolidated, forming the system now known as the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railroad, and Colonel Spooner accepted the position of general solicitor of the consolidated company. September 1, 1880, just ten years to a day from the date of its formation, the firm of Baker and Spooner was dissolved, Mr. Baker retaining the general practice, which had become large and important, and Colonel Spooner devoting himself to the business of the large corporation for which he had become general counsel. In his capacity as general solicitor of the consolidated roads Colonel Spooner was soon called upon, in a series of suits brought by other corporations, to defend the right of his company to the land grant. In conducting this remarkable litigation to a successful conclusion he won and still retains the reputation of being one of the ablest land grant lawyers in the United States. In 1883 Mr. Baker accepted the position of Wisconsin attorney for the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railway company, which position he held for six years, covering the period of the construction of the road across the state of Wisconsin. In 1888 he retired from all outside business as corporation counsel and now devotes his entire time to his large office practice, and has formed the partnership of Baker and Have. While not restricting his practice to any single department of the law, from an early period of his professional career Mr. Baker has made a close study of real estate law, and is an acknowledged authority on tax titles. Mr. Baker was married September 11, 1860 to Ellen M Brewster, of Le Roy, N. Y., a graduate of Ingram university, located in that town, and the granddaughter of Judge Henry Brewster, a prominent citizen of Le Roy. They have one child, a son, L. A. Baker, now engaged in banking business in New Richmond, Wis. He was married in 1887 to Minnie A. Glover, daughter of John E. Glover, Esq., a resident of New Richmond, Wis. In politics Mr. Baker is a republican, as he considers the principles of that party most conducive to the welfare of his country. He is, however, entirely independent in thought and is in no wise a politician. He does not esteem lightly the duties of citizenship but rather seeks earnestly to perform them fully and faithfully and with an eye single to the public welfare. In private life he is an earnest Christian and has been for many years an active member of the Presbyterian Church. In common with most successful lawyers he has the talent for application and unceasing effort. His powers of analysis are unusually keen and he rarely fails to reveal much that would escape another less gifted in that direction. In speaking he never aims at display, but has a thoroughly practical method of presenting a subject. A prominent man, who has known Mr. Baker intimately for many years, and who enjoys a reputation second to none, recently said: "Henry C. Baker has stood in the front rank of lawyers in northern Wisconsin for many years. He has allowed nothing to divert him from his profession. He never relies on others to do his work, and every question is investigated until the subject is exhausted. His ability to make concise and logical statements to the court is most remarkable, and his manner is one of honesty and candor, which leaves no room for doubt as to his own conviction. He commands the respect of judges and lawyers, and as a citizen he is without reproach. He is uniformly courteous and king. It may be said of him that his standing as a lawyer is only rivaled by his reputation as a gentleman; for in every relation in life he has been a perfect exponent of enlightened citizenship and refined manhood. No lawyer in the northwest is more respected among the members of the bar and none stands higher in public esteem. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", pulished in 1909) Ball John Ball is a native of Roundout, Mass., born in December, 1854, son of John and Margaret (Joyce) Ball, who came to America in the early days and in the fifties located at Janesville, Wis., where they remained for some time before removing to New Richmond. The father has followed farming all his life and is still living at the noble old age of ninety-four years. The mother died several years ago. John Ball has lived in this county forty years. He was educated in the public schools and learned the farming business with his father. In 1876 he was married to Johanna, the daughter of Patrick and Johanna Flannery, residents of this township for over half a century. Mr. and Mrs. Ball have been blessed with eight children. They are: Fred, Margaret, Mary, deceased; John, Eddie, Josie, Martin and Loretta. All are at home except Eddie, who is a successful schoolteacher. Mr. Ball owns 480 acres of fine land in Richmond Township, all except forty acres of heavy timber being highly cultivated. Every improvement on the place was made by Mr. Ball and he has every reason to be proud of the result that he has achieved. He has a beautiful house, well furnished, and kept in a style, which testifies, to Mrs. Balls excellencies as a housekeeper. The barns are large and well kept. In front of the barn is a lake that has not been dry for fifteen years, thus giving the property the name of Silver Lake Farm. Mr. Ball does a large general farming business, raising crops of a diversified nature, as well as breeding fine stock. He is a Democrat in politics and has served as school treasurer for several years. He is a good citizen and an industrious worker, highly regarded by all who know him. The family is also well thought of throughout the community. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909Beer Julius Beer is a native of Aldenburg, Saxony, Germany, born on the 28th day of November 1843. He is the son of Michael and Mary Beer, who came to the United States in the early days and located in Cook County, Illinois, where they remained twelve years and then died. In 1869 Julius Beer came to Hudson, Wis., and settled on a farm. A short time afterward he started a cheese factory, being the first person to start an establishment for the manufacturing of that article in St. Croix County. He continued to make cheese for twelve years, until 1882, when he abandoned this for other enterprises. He still owns his original farm and has gradually added to it until today he is the possessor of 600 acres, all of which, with the exception of eighty acres in Hudson, are in St. Joseph Township. For some years Mr. Beer has run a genral store at Burkhardt, carrying a large stock of goods and doing a big business. He is a Republican in politics and has been town clerk. In 1905 he served in the legislature. At the present time he is chairman of the town board of St. Joseph. He was married in Cook county, Illinois, to Ellen Thaka and has six children: Frank, William, Albert, Ernest, Lena and Laura. All are married and have homes of their own, with the exception of William and Ernest, who have remained on the farm. Mr. Beer shows his good business judgment in the way he conducts his store, and his honesty and integrity have given him a high place among his fellow citizens. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909Beggs Allan Beggs, postmaster of Hudson for the past decade, has a record of over half a centurys continual residence in this city. He is a native of Easton, Pa., born July 22, 1853, son of Willliam and Elizabeth (Dempster) Beggs, natives of Ireland and Scotland, respectively. They came to Hudson in June 1854, and the father took up the boot and shoe business, which he followed until within two years of his death, which occurred in October 1900, in his seventy-third year. His widow died in July 1902, at the age of eighty-five years. William Beggs was a prominent Mason and had held all the offices in the Knights Templar at the time of his death. In the family there were five children, all of whom with one exception are now living. Allan is the oldest. Agnes and Sophia are twins. Agnes married J. W. North, of St. Paul, Minn., and Sophia is the wife of Peter McCallum, of Alberta, Minn. James lives at Superior, Wis., and Samuel was killed at Hudson Station in 1907. Allan Beggs was educated in the public schools of Hudson and learned the blacksmiths trade with his uncle, Samuel Hyslop. Afterward he engaged as salesman in his fathers exclusive shoe store in Hudson, which he managed successfully until 1898, when he received an appointment as postmaster from President McKinely, November 19 of that year. He was reappointed February 7, 1902, and again on February 7, 1906. His present term expires in 1910. He was first married March 29, 1892, and his wife died March 12, 1900. By this union there were three children: Raymond H., Lucele I. and William A. Mr. Beggs was married the second time September 10, 1903. For many years Mr. Beggs has been prominent in local politics. He was chairman of the county board for six years, and delegate to the county convention and to numerous other political gatherings and conventions. He had considerable influence in the establishment of a county asylum for the insane at New Richmond, this county. He made the first recommendations and together with B. J. Price made trips all over the state for the purpose of studying plans for such an institution. Mr. Beggs is a popular member of the Elks and the Modern Woodmen of America. As a postmaster he is genial and affable and in the ten years that he has held the office there has never been anything but general satisfaction felt in his administration. He is one of the leading men of Hudson and well deserves all the honors that have been showered upon him. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Bell George W. Bell was born in Waushara county, near Wautoma, Wis., July 24, 1853, a son of Hiram and Joanna (Moffat) Bell, both natives of Cortland county, New York. The father was born July 19, 1821, and the mother first saw the light of day October 21, 1815. They were married in the fall of 1850. In 1852 the father came to Wisconsin with his family. He enlisted in Company H. Sixteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, December 1861. He was mortally wounded in the battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862, and taken to Pittsburgh, Pa., where he died two weeks later. The mother passed away October 21, 1889. They were the parents of four children: Mrs. Alonzo Lewis, of Lake City, Minn.; George Walter, the subject of this sketch; Hubert D., of Hastings, Minn. and Hiram B., of Marquette, Mich. After his fathers death George W. was taken to Manchester, Green Lake county, Wisconsin, where he received a common school education, afterward teaching school in the same county several years. In 1881 he entered the service of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company at St. Paul, Minn., as clerk in the auditors office. He was promoted to assistant shop clerk at Shakopee, Minn. In the fall of the same year he returned to St. Paul as chief clerk to the master car builder. When the office of the master car builder was moved to Hudson, December 1, 1882, Mr. Bell retained his former position, coming to this city, where he has since continued to make his home. In 1884 he was promoted to the land office as clerk, and was made chief clerk three years later, holding this position until he was appointed land commissioner, May 9, 1894, which office he now holds. Upon the organization of the Peoples bank of Hudson, in 1905, he was elected president. November 1, 1883, Mr. Bell married Elizabeth M. Barter, born in Marquette county, Wisconsin, April 6, 1860, a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Mortimore) Barter, both natives of Devonshire, England. Mr. and Mrs. Bell have three children: Walter M., born September 4, 1884; Bessie Alice, born March 26, 1886; George Barter, born February 18, 1893. Mr. Bell is a director in the Wisconsin Savings, Land and Trust company. Fraternally he is a member of St. Croix lodge, No. 56, F. and A. M.; St. Croix chapter, No. 44, and St. Croix commandery, No. 14, Knights Templar. He is a republican in politics and the family are members of the First Baptist church of Hudson. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)Marcus Sears Bell died December 18, 1904, leaving behind him to mourn their great loss, a loving and devoted family and a bereaved community. Mr. Bell was born in Newhall, N.Y., February 19, 1844, son of Robert and Elsie (Newkirk) Bell, of that state. He came to Wisconsin and settled in St. Croix county in 1860. For two or three years he lived in New Richmond township and engaged in partnership with James Johnston in running breaking teams and conducting a threshing machine venture. In 1869 he purchased 120 acres of land in Richmond Township, Wisconsin, and started developing it. At about this time he purchased property at the corner of Third street and Dakotah Avenue, in New Richmond City, Wis., where he took his bride and lived until a new home on the farm was completed in 1884. To his original purchase of 120 acres of farm land he gradually added other acquisitions until he owned 320 acres, lying just south of the city of New Richmond. After a long residence on the farm, Mr. and Mrs. Bell moved to the handsome residence in New Richmond City, which was built in the early 90s. It was here that Mr. Bell died, and where the widow continues to make her home. Mr. Bell never sought public office nor did he belong to any fraternity. A hard working, industrious man, he found his greatest pleasure in his home life. Nevertheless he took an interest in all affairs that had to do with the betterment of the town or city. Mr. Bell was one of several more building operations at the time when death cut short his career. At the time of his death he was one of the aldermen of the city and had been identified with the school board for five years. He was also an ex-president of the old village board of trustees. Mr. and Mrs. Bell were both members of the Old Settlers Association of St. Croix Valley. They were present at the organization and at the first meeting of the association, the former being, on June 15, 1901, and the latter at New Richmond in December, of the same year. Mr. Bell was married July 4, 1870, to Catherine, the daughter of David and Catherine (Gregg) Johnston, of North Ireland, who come in 1835 to Canada, where their daughter Catherine was born. The father was born in 1798 and the mother in 1810. While in Canada the father was a lumberman. In 1856 he came to Hudson, Wis., and lived in the city one year. He next hired a farm at Hudson Prairie, Wis., which he occupied until 1861. In that year he came to Richmond township, and purchased 160 acres, after which he retired, leaving the management of the farm to his sons. He died January 15, 1872, at the home on his farm. His wife died October 21, 1890. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston had nine children. William is now deceased. He was a lumberman and married Justina Starkweather. Frances married John Hopkins, a farmer. Eliza, now deceased, was a school teacher before marriage. She married Michael Castleman, a farmer of Canada. James was originally in the lumber business with his late brother William. He is now retired, living in Minneapolis. David died at the age of seventeen years. Ann married Norman L. Dayton, who is deceased. Mrs. Dayton lives in Minneapolis, Minn. Before marriage she was a school teacher. Margaret, also a teacher in early life, married Joseph Kelley, now a retired farmer in Hudson, wis. John died in infancy. Catherine, widow of Marcus Sears Bell, was also a school teacher before her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Bell had four children who grew to maturity. Miss Bertha, who was a preceptress at the Hamline University, married, October 26, 1907, to Dr. Edson Newton Tuckey, of Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. Miss Maude is a graduate of Hamline University, Hamline, Minn. Miss Mollie is at home. Ernest J. is president of the B & W. Concrete Company, of New Richmond City, Wis. Mr. Bell had also a number of brothers and sisters, as follows: John J. and Alva B., of Merriam Park, Minn.; Howard N. Bell, of Redwood Falls, Minn.; Mrs. Julia Lincoln, of Chicago, and Mrs. Sarah Springsteen, of Seattle, Wash. Judge Frank A. Bell, of Waverly, N. Y., is a half brother. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Benson Edward Benson was born in Norway May 15, 1868. His parents, Aanen and Sevarine (Holverson) Benson, were natives of Norway. They came to America in 1871 and located in Baldwin township in 1876, purchasing forty acres of land, which they broke and improved, carrying on diversified farming until several years ago, when they retired from active life, giving the management to their son, with whom they now live on the old homestead. Edward received a common school education, after which he did day labor for twelve years in various localities. He subsequently came home and took his fathers farm, which he has since conducted. He has greatly improved and altered the farm and houses and has brought the place to a first-class condition in every respect, his aim being to have one of the best farms in the neighborhood. He raises general crops and live stock. Mr. Benson is still single. He has four sisters: Mary, who married P. C. Finbold, postmaster at Woodville, Wis.; Elevina, who married J. C. Johnson, banker and merchant at Woodville; Carrie, who died in July, 1905, and Annie, who is now at home. In politics Mr. Benson tends toward the socialist party, but has never sought public office, choosing rather to devote his time to his farm work. Throughout life he has been a man who has read much and thought deeply. He is unassuming and a hard worker, enjoying the esteem of a wide circle of acquaintances. (take from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Bernd W. J. Bernd is pre-eminently one of the successful farmers of this section of the country. He was born in 1864, son of George M. and Catherine (Fuiten) Bernd, who still live at Hartofrd, Wis., retired farmers. W. J. Bernd worked on the farm and attended the common schools, afterward continuing his farm work and paying particular attention to breeding fine stock. Since 1900 he has been a resident of St. Croix county. His farm in Stanton Township, consisting of 200 acres, is one of the finest improved pieces of land in this part of the county, and it would be hard to find in the entire valley an equal of his splendid barn. Its dimensions are 50 by 120 feet, with water all the way through, and is kept so neat and clean that it is regarded as a model for other stockbreeders near and far. Upon the farm are raised general crops of the finest quality, but the business that gives the place its name of Maple Grove Stock Farm and has made Mr. Bernd known throughout the state is that of breeding the choicest full-blooded stock. His thoroughbred shorthorn cattle, blooded Poland China hogs, white Plymouth Rock fowls, bronze turkeys, Toulouse geese and Pekin ducks have won at state and county fairs enough first and second prize ribbons to make a good sized bed quilt, and he has one shorthorn cow, "Lady Lovell," that took second prize at the Milwaukee, Wis., state fair; third at the Minnesota state fair, third at Kansas City at the American Royal fair, and first at North, Wis. He also has an imported Percheron stallion that is a very fine animal, indeed. His success has attracted wide attention, and as he is a great advertiser, he has a wide correspondence and often writes as high as 500 letters yearly. Mr. Bernd was married in 1890 to Emma M., daughter of Charles and Matilda (Kruger) Sette. This union has been blessed with eight children: Harvey, Verna, Wesley, Fila, Victor, Wilmer, Myrtle and Omer, all of whom are at home. He is an independent voter, but although he takes an active interest in all public questions, he has been too busy with his farm to seek public offices. It is such men as he who have given to the valley its reputation for rich farms and fine stock. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909Birkmose Christen J. Birkmose, leading member of the firm of Birkmose, Wiberg and Company, proprietors of a large department store in Hudson, is a native of Denmark, born July 9, 1857. He received a thorough education in the common schools of his native town, and supplemented this with a course in one of the high schools near Copenhagen. He came to this country in 1879and first engaged in farming at Albert Lea, Minn. In 1880 he entered the employ of Comstock, Clark and Company, flour millers in Hudson. He then went to Dakota for a short time. In 1881 he returned to Hudson and attended high school. The next year he engaged in farming in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. He again returned to Hudson in 1883 and entered the employ of J. J. Luck, later working for M. P. Palmer. December 1, 1887, he started a general merchandise business at Hudson in partnership with E. S. Larson and G. Roising under the title of C. J. Birkmose and Company. This partnership continued until 1897, when J. E. Wiberg was added to the company under the firm name of Birkmose, Wiberg and Company. In 1907 the company was incorporated with double capital, retaining the same name. The officers are: President, C. J. Birkmose; vice president, Carl J. Olsen; secretary and treasurer, L. Ostby; silent partner, J. E. Wiberg. The store is the leading general business house in Hudson, handling everything that is usually found in such a place. Mr. Birkmose is a member of the Danish society and of the I. O. O. F. He has been a member of the park board and has served as city treasurer. He is an up-to-date business man, and his store shows his belief in modern business methods. He has a large trade from all over the county, and his efforts to please have met with large reward. He is a self-made man and is still making long strides on the road of success. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Bixby
H. L. Bixby was born in Norridgewock, Me., in 1840, son of Rufus and Betsy (Weston) Bixby, who lived and died on a farm in Maine. They had eleven children, seven of whom still survive. The father was one of the prominent men in his town, active in politics and an officeholder. H. L. Bixby was educated in the excellent common schools of Maine and worked for his father for several years. In 1872 he came to St. Croix county, and locating at Star Prairie, he established a department store, which he operated for twenty-two years,when he left it to the charge of his son. When the store was established there was but one business house in Star Prairie. The business in the Bixby store has increased until now it has reached proportions unusual in a village of the size of Star Prairie. Mr. Bixby was married in 1867 to Mary Warren, by whom he has two children: Lizzie R. Bixby is married to John McKoy, a banker of New Richmond; A. P. Bixby married Verna Hight, of Athens, Me. He runs his father's business. Mr. Bixby was married the second time in 1880 to Mary Simpson Philbrick, whose parents lived and died in Maine. Mr. Bixby is a Republican in politics, and has served as chairman of the town of Star Prairie. For over forty years he has been a Mason. He also affiliates with the Royal Arch Chapter and the I.O.O.F., while both he and his wife are members of the Eastern Star. In 1861, Mr. Bixby enlisted in Company D, Ninth Maine Volunteer Infantry, and served in the Army of the South. He participated in the siege of Charleston and in the Battle of Cold Harbor, including all the skirmishes of that campaign. He was given a commission as first lieutenant in 1863 and served until his discharge, in 1865, at the close of the war. For nineteen years Mr. Bixby has owned and operated the Star Prairie mill. He has been the possessor of several thousand acres of land, and has made a business of buying and selling real estate. At the present time he owns 160 acres in the Imperial valley, California, where he has spent several winters and where he is now preparing to move as soon as he disposes of his property here. Mr. Bixby has been a very successful man, and the people of the township, while wishing him all success and happiness in his new field, will regret that he has not chosen to spend his declining years in the town in which he worked so hard when in his prime. (Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", Vol 2., published in 1909) Boardman Grant C. Boardman , head miller in the New Richmond, Wis., rolling mills, was born at Boardman, township of Richmond, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, March 10, 1866, a son of Clinton A. and Margaret (Spence) Boardman. Clinton A. was a blacksmith by trade, and was born in Norwich, Vt., February 16, 1831. He came westward to Wisconsin and settled at what was then called Lone Tree, but what is now known as Boardman. This was in the early 50s. Shortly after arriving here he and S. L. Beebe built a flour mill on Ten Mile creek and a sawmill on Willow creek at Boardman. They conducted these enterprises together until 1875, when the Johnston Brothers, in which concern Clinton A. was a silent partner, built their present large mill in Boardman. He retired in 1882, after a career that had been marked with business sagacity and strenuous effort. By his wife, Margaret Spence, born April 11, 1841, in Huntington, province of Quebec, Canada, whom he married December 15, 1858, he had nine children. Ellen J. married William Stevens, lumberman; Eliza G. married H. M. Johnston, a merchant at Glenwood, Wis.; Stephen C., secretary and head bookkeeper of the New Richmond rolling mills, married Adelia Clapp; Grant C. is the subject of this sketch; Maggie died at the age of six years at Boardman; John C. married Aneita Craih, and is employed by Johnston & Belden, of Glenwood, Wis.; Isabelle M. married Joseph Lightfoot, a clerk at Glenwood; Raymond C. is a clerk at Glenwood, and married Bessie Evans; Samuel C., a traveling salesman married Stella Strait. The father of this large family was treasurer of the school board of the town of Richmond, and also occupied other important positions. Grant C. Boardman was married June 2, 1886, to Agnes, the daughter of Philip and Margaret (Runions) Brady, of Warren Depot, Wis. Philip Brady was a contractor and joiner all his life. Mr. and Mrs. Brady had three children: Mary E. married William Johnson, a blacksmith at Hudson, Wis.; Anna married Robert Douglas, a Roberts, Wis., farmer. The third child was Mrs. Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Boardman have been blessed with three children: Clark C. is studying mechanical engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wis. He will graduate in 1909. William C. is a student at the New Richmond high school, and Henry C., the youngest boy, is at home. Mr. and Mrs. Boardman are justly proud of these three robust and bright sons.The family residence is on the corner of First street and Washington Avenue, where Mr. Boardman erected a beautiful home in 1904. The family religion is that of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Boardman is a staunch prohibitionist and is a member of the New Richmond lodge, No. 195, F. and A. M. He has worked at the milling business practically all his life, and he possesses knowledge of the business such as has been gathered by but few men in this section of the country. Mr. Boardman is interested in all public movements and by means of his reading he keeps well abreast of the times. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
Stephen C. Boardman, one of that energetic family for whom the village of Boardman is named, was born in that village January 11, 1864. His father, Clinton A. Boardman, was born in Norwich, Vt., February 16, 1831, and came to Boardman, St. Croix county, Wisconsin, in 1850. He was a blacksmith by trade and built the flour, lumber and saw mill at Boardman and engaged largely in the handling of lumber until the big slump in the business. Then he built a large flour mill on the site of the old saw mill. After running this for five years he sold it to the Johnston Brothers and retired from active business. He died July 27, 1887. His wife, Margaret, now living at Glenwood, Wis., was born in Huntington, Quebec, Canada, April 11, 1841, daughter of John and Eliza (Burrows) Spence, of Boardman. She was one of a family of nine children. Her father was chairman and treasurer of the town and served on the school board. Stephen C. Boardman supplemented a common school education with a course at the St. Paul Business College at St. Paul, Minn., and a few terms at the Northern Indiana normal school at Valparaiso, Ind. This fitted him for the position of bookkeeper with the New Richmond Rolling mills, which he retained for seven years. He then took a similar situation with the rolling mill at Boardman. After an absence of five years he returned to New Richmond, Wis., and when the name of the New Richmond Rolling mills was incorporated in 1900 he was elected secretary, an office that he still holds. Mr. Boardman was married, October 13, 1891, to Adelia H., daughter of Newel H. and Lavette (Allen) Clapp, who came from Vermont in the early days. Mr. Clapp was a Kinnickinnic miller. He had four children: Mrs. Boardman is the niece of United States Senator Moses E. Clapp, of St. Paul, Minn., who served in the senate chamber six years after being named to succeed Senator Davis, who died while in office. It is interesting to note that Senator Clapp is also a St. Croix valley descendant. In 1906 Mr. Boardman bought a lot on Colorado Avenue and built a beautiful residence, where he has since made his home. All his five children are at home. Amy, the oldest daughter, was born February 19, 1893, and is a popular student at the New Richmond, Wis., high school. The twins, Stephen N. and Rufus N., were born May 1, 1894. They are bright little fellows and the general favorites of everybody in the township. Lillian, five years of age, and William W., three years, complete the family. Mr. Boardman is a Republican. The family attends the Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs. Boardman are both public spirited and well read. They are noted for their hospitality, and the neighbors, young and old, never call at the Boardman home without declaring afterward that they enjoyed themselves heartily. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Bohrer John W. Bohrer, furniture dealer and undertaker in Hudson, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, October, 22, 1853, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Dill) Bohrer, both natives of Bavaria, Germany. The father came to this country at the age of eighteen with his parents, locating at once in Ohio. The mother was brought to this country by her parents when she was but two years of age. Before settling in Ohio her parents lived for a time in NewYork. Joseph Bohrer is still living. His wife died January 16, 1905, at the ge of seventy-three years. They had seven children, five of whom are still living. John W. is the oldest. Jacob lives at Grand Rapids, Mich. Rose is the wife of John Emerson, of Nashville, Tenn. George lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Charles resides in North Ridgeville, Ohio. The deceased members of the family are Elizabeth, wife of Charle Gay, and Abbie, wife of George Poling. John W. Bohrer is distinctively a self-made man. With almost no educational advantages he has, nevertheless, acquired a fund of information that might well be envied by many a college man. At the tender age of ten years he entered a furniture factory in North Ridgeville, O., for A. H. Moores, where he continued until the year 1885, when he went to Minneapolis, hoping to improve his lot. His success was almost instantaneous. He at once secured employment with the Hudson furniture factory in Hudson, Wis., and remained in this employ until 1892, when he went to work in the car shops of the Omaha Railroad Company in the same city. In 1895 he went to Baraboo, Wis., and was employed by Charles Wild in the furniture business until 1896, when he returned to Hudson and began in a small way in the retail furniture and manufacturing business. The same year he became associated with George W. Slater under the firm name of Slater & Bohrer. In September, 1901, Mr. Bohrer purchased his partners interest and has since continued the business with great success, having bought out the businesss of Haugen & Arnson, furniture dealers and undertakers, and combined the same with his own. He became a licensed embalmer, and his services as a funeral director are greatly in demand. Mr. Bohrer is a member of St. Croix Lodge, No. 56, F. & A. M., and has filled all the chairs in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He also belongs to the Independent Order of Foresters. He was married, December 24, 1879, to Leona, daughter of Chauncey and Helen (Decker) Blakesley, of North Ridgeville, O. They have one son, Harry N., born February 7, 1881, now engaged in business with his father and well liked by everyone in the community. Mr. Bohrer is one of the substantial citizens of Hudson and enjoys the respect and esteem of his fellow townspeople. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)Boothby E. L. Boothby is the son of Jonathan and Grace Boothby, and was born on the 21st day of August, 1849. Jonathan Boothby was descended from one of the early Maine families and served in Company I, Seventeenth Maine Volunteer Infantry, during the Civil war. Dr. Boothby received his primary education at the academy at Gorham, Cumberland County, Me., and took the collegiate course at the Wesleyan Academy, Wilberham, Mass. Later he was graduated from Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., class of 1875. Upon graduation he came to Hammond and has continued his practice here without opposition. He is greatly devoted to his profession, and at times the demand for his services has been so great that he has gone forty days without having his clothes off. During the course of his work as a physician he has served as county coroner for forty years, and has been chairman of the county board and side board so often he has lost track of the number of times. He is one of the commissioners who had charge of building the insane asylum at New Richmond. Dr. Boothby was married in 1875 to Alice Wilcox, of River Falls, daughter of Dr. Jr. R. and Lucy Wilcox, of Vermont, who came to River Falls in the early 60s. Dr. and Mrs. Boothby have three children: Carlton, an insurance man at Portland, Ore.; Jonathan, editor of the paper at Menomonie, Wis., who served in the Philippines in 1898, and Grace, who is the wife of E. L. McCullough, of Chatfield, Minn. The youngest son, Harold, has just graduated from high school. In his leisure moments Dr. Boothby has developed his place, rooting out oaks and practically building the house himself. Burtman X-rays and other up-to-date appliances make his office well equipped in every respect. He is a Republican and a member of the I. O. O. F. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)Bradford (Hudson Sanatorium) Dr. E. B. Bradford, manager and resident physician of the Hudson Sanatorium, was born in Oakland County, Michigan, in 1964, and spent his early days on the farm. After completing his common school education he moved to Lansing, Michigan, and took the complete course in Lansing Business College. He subsequently spent four years in study at the Michigan Agricultural College, taking the arts and sciences course and receiving the degree of Bachelor of Science. Dr. Bradford then became interested in the raising of thoroughbred horses, importing stock of all kinds. In order to more thoroughly understand the care of these animals he took a course in the Michigan College of Veterinary and received the degree of D. V. S. During these studies he became interested in anatomy and therapeutics and decided to make medicine and surgery his future calling. Entering the Detroit College of Medicine, he graduated with honors and received the degree of M. D. For ten years he practiced in Milwaukee, Wis., paying particular attention to diseases of the brain and nervous system. Two years ago he purchased the Sanatorium, which has since proven a success financially, and has also, accomplished the therapeutic purposes for which it was founded. The Sanatorium was erected in 1887 at the cost of $65,000, being fully equipped. At that time it was known as the Oliver Wendell Holmes Hospital and was in the charge of I. D. Wiltrout, M. D. In 1894 Dr. Samuel C. Johnson purchased the institution, added many improvements and changed the name to the Sanatorium. From his death, in October 1903, until the purchase by Dr. Bradford, in July 1905, the place remained closed. Dr. Bradford, who is regarded as an authority on all nervous diseases, makes the statement that within the next few years there will be more of a revolution in the general care and treatment of mental cases than the world has ever yet known. He maintains that 75 per cent of the 160,000 insane who fill the state institutions of this country at the present time were curable in the acute stage. The complete recovery of several chronic cases taken from the incurable wards of state institutions substantiates this statement. "Our state institutions, with 1,000 patients, should have ten competent physicians instead of one or two," says Dr. Bradford. "If their salaries and terms of office depended on results obtained, fewer young men and women would be found corralled in the incurable wards." Dr. Bradford has put his theories to a practical test, and the results that he has obtained have been more than satisfactory. The Sanatorium is located on a bluff ninety feet above Willow River and is surrounded by a park of fifteen acres of rolling land. The grounds are beautiful, entirely free from malaria, and command a magnificent view of the surrounding countryjust the place for jaded nerves, unstrung and in need of quiet repose, recreation and treatment. The building, especially designed for the purpose, has large, airy and well-lighted rooms, all comfortably furnished. A steam fan with a capacity of 9,000 cubic feet per minute insures perfect ventilation. Wide verandas completely enclosed with glass in the winter, together with a fine sun parlor, offer inviting opportunities for sun baths and promenades. The building is heated by both hot water and steam, is lighted by electricity and provided with passenger elevator, electric bells and fire alarms, and all the modern conveniences so necessary in an institution of this kind. All forms of treatment are employedTurkish, Russian, electric, medicated and plain baths; Swedish movement and modern hygenic and therapeutic measures are all in use. The Nauheim bath with Schotts exercise is used for proper heart cases. All forms of electricity, such as static, galvanic and faradic, are in use. Dr. Bradford treats all diseases, acute or chronic, except those of a contagious or infectious nature. The most modern equipment is used for the successful treatment of derangement of the digestive organs and all nervous diseases. A separate department has been installed for the treatment of all mental cases, and there is no place in the country where patients are given more attention. Few people of Hudson realize that, aside from the fact that they have a model hospital and sanatorium, it contributes to the commercial interests of the city something like $15,000 each year. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Bradley Charles W. Bradley was born in St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wis., February 2, 1860, son of T. M. and Margaret (Wilson) Bradley, the former being a native of Armah, Ireland. The parents were married at Osceola, Wis., to which place they emigrated in the 50s, and lived there two years, thence going to St. Croix Falls, and some time thereafter returning to Osceola. In 1868 they moved to Hudson, where the father took up land, which, with the assistance of his sons, he broke and partly cultivated. Charles W. received a common school education, and then started farming, which he has made his lifes work. His 160 acres are all in an advanced stage of cultivation. Aside from doing diversified farming, he breeds short horn cattle, Poland China hogs and Shropshire sheep. The barns and other buildings are roomy and modern, while the house is large, comfortable and well furnished. Jane, daughter of John and Sarah (Kelley) Hodgin, became his wife in 1892 at Hudson. Her father was a brick mason and farmer. He is widely known as a successful and up-to-date farmer. Mr. Bradley is much interested in the history of the valley and several documents and books in his possession throw some interesting light on the life of the early days. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) J. A. Bradley is a native of Kinnickinnic Township, St. Croix County, born October 22, 1854, son of David and Sarah Bradley. The father was a native of New York State, and the mother of Pennsylvania. The former ran a sawmill in h is native state and then came west in the early days, locating at Hudson, Wis., where he engaged in carpentering for a short time. He afterward took up school land in Kinnickinnic Township, in St. Croix County, there nearly all his life. He died at the home of his son,, J. A., at the good old age of ninety-five years. J. A. was educated in his native county and then began farming at home, also working in a sawmill and in the lumber woods. In 1867 he came to Springfield Township and bought land, being one of the very first settlers. Upon the acres, which he originally took up, he has since continued to live, with the exception of three years, when he ran a hotel at Gillman, Wis. He owns 120 acres of land, nearly all of which is cultivated. The farm is one of the finest places in the township. The house is one that would do credit to the residence districts of any city, and is made of brick, while the barns and other buildings are commodious and well equipped. He carries on a general line of farming, making a specialty of dairy farming. Being the owner of twenty cows he has large quantities of diary products and sells cream to the Farmers Cooperative creamery at Hersey, in this township, in which company he is at present a stockholder and ex-officer. September 2, 1890, Mr. Bradley was married to Bertha Tanberg, daughter of Chris and Maret Tanberg, natives of Norway, who came to the United States in 1866, settling first at Gillman, Pierce county, and later in Spring Valley, where they still reside. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley have an adopted son, Milton G. Mr. Bradley is a Republican in politics. He has held office on the town board, being treasurer of the township four years. Mr. Bradley has been a hard working man all his life and has been uniformly successful in his undertakings. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909 Brickley Michael Brickley is a native of New York City, born August 2, 1849, a son of Michael and Margaret (White) Brickley, both born in County Cork, Ireland. They came to America in 1848 and located in New York City for two years, then went to Dunkirk, N. Y., in 1850. While there the father was an attendant for a government lighthouse on Lake Erie. In 1855 he located in Dunleith, Ill. April 1857, he settled on forty acres of land in Richmond Township, Wisconsin. To this land he added eighty acres more. He did general farming until his death, October 1, 1874. The mother died December 17, 1892. The subject of this sketch received an education in the common schools of New York and Wisconsin. After leaving school and while still practically a mere youth, he enlisted at New Richmond in Company G, Fourth Wisconsin Cavalry, serving under Colonel Boardman and Captain Knowles. He participated in the bloody battle of Redwood Ridge, Louisiana, with Colonel Boardman. In the battle of Mobile, Mr. Brickley fought by the Spanish forts and he also participated in the battle of Jackson, Miss. He was honorably discharged at Madison, Wis., July 8, 1865. Coming back to New Richmond, Wis., he was stricken with illness, resulting from life in the army. For three years he was an invalid and at one time it was thought that he would not recover. In 1869 he took up farming with his father, and one year later he went into lumbering, following this business on the Willow and Hay rivers and on Turtle creek. He was also engaged in rafting on the Mississippi. In 1874 his father gave him forty acres of land in Richmond township, where he carried on general farming until the spring of 1879, when he sold the forty acres for the purpose of buying 160 acres in Cylon township, Wisconsin. In 1888 he returned to Richmond Township and took up farming on the old homestead. Then he moved into the city and served as constable and deputy sheriff for seven years. In 1899 he was appointed United States rural mail carrier, which position he still holds.Mr. Brickley was married, November 18, 1874, to Mary, the daughter of Michael and Ellen Gillen, of Cylon Township. The father died at Sioux City, Iowa, while visiting a daughter there, and the mother passed away at the home of a daughter in New Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Brickley have been blessed with eight children: Ellen, Michael H., Margaret, Charles, Marie, Eliza, Thomas, and Della. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909) Brunner Peter Brunner is one of the real pioneers of this section, having known what it was to live in a log cabin and to do by hand work which is now largely performed by machinery. He was born in Pierce County, August 14, 1859, son of John and Lena (Kienholtz) Brunner, natives of Switzerland, who came to the United States in the early 50s. They were married at Red Wing, Minn., and then crossed the river to Pierce County, where they carried on pioneer farming. They only had one bull for a beast of burden, and carried most of their produce on their backs. Before the war the father again crossed the river to Red Wing and spent the remainder of his life there, passing away in 1907. The mother died in 1896. Peter received an education in the common schools and learned farming with his father. One of young Peters duties was to milk the only cow on the place, and in this way he acquired the knowledge of dairying which he has used in the extensive operations in that line which he has since conducted. He remained on the farm with the old folks many years, until in 1882 he decided to seek his fortune in Springfield Township, St. Croix County. Two years later he purchased 160 acres of land here, which he has broke and improved. He erected a log cabin and lived there for eighteen years. He now has a commodious barn, 40x70 feet and a house 30 feet square, furnished in modern style. Upon his rich acres he carries on a general farming business, doing considerable dairying and selling large quantities of cream. In 1884, the year that he came here, Mr. Brunner married Ida Barney, by whom he has ten children: Joseph (deceased), Albert, Fred, John, Myra, Jessie, Evelyn, Muriel, Ella and Harold. Mr. Brunner is a Republican in politics and has been a member of the side board, also a road commissioner. He has always labored well, and owes his success to his hard work. His neighbors throughout the township speak in highest terms of his thrift, ability and character. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Brusse G. J. Brusse was born in Lima, Wis., February 1, 1877. His father, G. W. Brusse, was born in Holland and came to Wisconsin in 1850, locating at Milwaukee, where he lived until 1864, when he went to Lima and followed his trade of carpentering. In 1900 he came to the village of Baldwin, and in March of that year purchased a farm in Hammond township, where he is at present engaged in carrying on general farming and dairying operations. G. J. received his education in the grade schools of his native county and taught school there for one year. He then came to this county and taught one year in Baldwin, afterward farming for two years. July 1, 1902, he received the appointment as rural mail carrier, which position he now holds. Mr. Brusse is married and has one child.
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