J. P. Fetherspil is a native of Luxenberg, France, born August 9, 1851, son of N. D. and Margaret (Haber) Fetherspil, both now deceased. The parents came to the United States in 1854 and settled at Port Washington, Wis., for a short time, afterward moving to Minneapolis, Minn. Here the father took up labor as a mechanic-blacksmith, and did work, mostly hand wrought, for the first five steam sawmills in Minneapolis. J. P. was educated in Minneapolis, receiving both a German and English education, with some instruction in Norwegian also. Upon leaving school he took up work with his father until eighteen years of age, when he began the business of manufacturing plows at Minneapolis, where he remained six years, doing both wood and iron work. He then engaged as inspector and contractor of the St. Paul Plow Company, of which he was one of the stockholders. April 2, 1896, he came to Springfield Township and settled upon his present farm of eighty acres, about half of which is under the plow. He made many improvements and built a fine barn. Mr. Fetherspil now carries on diversified farming. His cream is handled by the Cooperative creamery at Hersey, this township, in which he has an interest. He is also known far and wide as a grower and dealer in ginseng, which he has gathered in the woods for many years, thus adding materially to the income derived from the farm. He owns a fine ginseng garden. Mr. Fetherspil was married in 1883 to Ella Barry, of Little Falls, N.Y., daughter of John Barry, of that place. This union has been blessed with four children, Josephine E., Ella, Florence and Albert A. Josephine E. is the wife of Francis Kirby, of Dunn County, Wisconsin, and the other two are Ella and Florence.
Mr. Fetherspil is a Democrat in politics, but has never held public office, choosing rather to devote his time and abilities to his family and his work. He attends the Catholic Church, and is a fine example of a successful farmer, being a good citizen and a hospitable neighbor. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
P. C. Finvold was born in northern Norway, June 10, 1852, son of John Christenson and Sanna Christenson, farming people of Norway. The father came to America in 1871 and located at Eau Claire, Wis., where he followed lumbering. In 1878 he moved to Elk creek, this state, and farmed until 1888, afterward retiring and settling in Woodville. By his first wife he was the father of three childrenPeter C., the subject of this sketch; Iver, of Woodville, and Benjamin, of the state of Washington. He married for his second wife Anna Olson, of Norway, and had four childrenSanna, deceased; Anna, married to T. Tellefson, of Washington state; Ingebor, deceased, and Ole, deceased. P. C. was educated in Norway and came to America with his father. He spent four years in lumbering at Eau Claire and three years at Dubuque, Ia. In 1881 he came to Woodville, following lumbering and farming. In politics he is a Republican and has been assessor one year, chairman of the township seven years, postmaster three years, notary public, school director and other minor offices. He is a member of the Baptist church and chairman of its board of trustees. Mr. Finvold was married, October 28, 1882, to Mary Benson, daughter of Aanen Benson and Serine Benson, of Baldwin, by whom he has five childrenSanna, Arnold, Clinton, Kate and Phillip. He has a fine farm of thirty-five acres, pasture and hay land, and is regarded as one of the substantial men of the township. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
Marcus Flak, now deceased, bore an honorable record for uprightness and honesty of character, and is ably succeeded by his daughter, Miss Minnie, regarded as one of the ablest and most sagacious women in the township. He was a native of Norway, born September 5, 1830, son of Michael and Ellen Mackelson Flak, who lived and died in the old country. Marcus came to America in 1868 and settled in Baldwin township, where he purchased eighty acres of land, soon after adding another forty acres, all of which he broke and improved, erecting a beautiful house and spacious outbuildings. He raised large crops very successfully, and was a breeder of stock, his horses having been particularly fine animals. Mr. Flak was married December 25, 1858, to Laura, daughter of Lawrence and Mary (Lawrence) Lauman, natives of Germany, later of Norway, the mother still residing there at over ninety years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Flak were blessed with two children. The first born, Michael Ludveck, was born August 5, 1866, and passed away January 19, 1869. Minnie was born March 5, 1871. Since her fathers death she has managed the home farm and cared for her mother, who is over seventy years of age. She has been more successful than the majority of men, and her ability in looking after all the details of farm work is greatly envied by all who know her. She is still a young woman and has a promising career ahead of her. Mr. Flak was a devout adherent of the Lutheran church, in which denomination he was an elder at the time of his death. He took a quiet interest in public affairs and was well informed upon all the topics of the day, few men being able to get the better of him in an argument. He never, however, sought public office, although he was never absent from the polls on election day. He always voted the republican ticket. A hard working and progressive gentleman, his death caused sorrow in the hears of a wide circle of friends. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
Henry V. Fleming, general manager of the extensive Fleming lumbering interest, is one of the leading men of Emerald, in which township he was born March 29, 1864. He is a man of sound business judgment and genial personality, and the industry under his management has prospered and grown in a very pleasing manner. His father, William Fleming, was born in Furmanuth, Ireland, April 16, 1835, and was brought to Melbourne, Canada, when still and infant. He was educated in the public schools of that place and at an early age became a member of the Episcopal Church, in the faith of which denomination he remained until the time of his lamented death. As a young man he came to Wisconsin, staying for a time in Waukesha county. He then came to Emerald township, which was then located in what was called the "Big Woods". He liked the country here so well that in 1858 he took up land and located. In 1859 he went to Canada again, and October 17 was married to Elizabeth Potten Phillips, of South Durham, Canada. He at once brought his bride to Emerald and the two began married life as pioneers of Emerald. He was well on the road of success when the war of the Rebellion broke out and, leaving his work and his family, he went to the front, where he did brave service in Company A, Forty-fourth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. At the close of the war he returned to civil life and again resumed business as a lumber man and to a considerable extent as a real estate man. During his career he bought and sold as many as 3,000 acres of land in this vicinity, and at the time of his death he owned nearly 1,000 acres of good land, which now remains in the estate, 350 acres being improved. Among Mr. Flemings large operations was the selling at one time of 400 acres of heavily timbered pine land to the Glenwood Manufacturing Company. Some years before his death he began to fail in health and for a long time he was a patient and lovable sufferer. The end came in January 23, 1908, and he was laid to rest in Greenwood Cemetery at Emerald. He was the father of ten children, nine of whom are living. They are: Mary A. Schoonover, Mabel (deceased), Henry V., Alexander, Noble M., William S., George W., John J., Laura J. Lovgren and Thomas T. William Fleming was the soul of honor in business, a faithful friend and a kind and loving father. Hismemory will never be forgotten. Henry attended the common schools as a boy and then graduated from the high school at New Richmond, Wis. After a course in the Normal School at River Falls, Wis., he went to Valparaiso, Ind., and graduated from the business college there. Returning to Emerald, he took charge of his fathers lumber business, buying, selling and manufacturing until 1908, when his father died. He now carries on a retail lumber business for the estate. He is a very successful business man, owning, aside from his interests in the estate, 160 acres of land, 90 of which is under cultivation. He also possesses two fine houses. He is secretary and manager of the Emerald Cooperative Creamery Association, having been elected July 1, 1907. His administration has been one of growth and prosperity, and the stockholders and directors have been more than satisfied with his work and the results that he has achieved. He is a Mason and treasurer of Greenwood Camp, No. 7,001, Modern Woodmen of America. He is a Republican in politics and has been both chairman and clerk of the town. The latter position he has held for nine years, having served before at the early age of twenty-one years. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming are members of the Protestant Episcopal church. Henry V. Fleming was married June 26, 1895, to Lillian H. Long, daughter of Jackson P. and Anna M. (Harrington) Long, of Troy, N.Y., and the state of Illinois respectively. They settled at Dwonsville, Dunn County, Wis., where the father engaged at his trade of millwright. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having served in Company K, Sixteenth Wisconsin Volunteers. The father passed away June 9, 1901, and themother still makes her residence at the old homestead in Downsville. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming have two children, Kenneth V., born June 6, 1901, and Danne (adopted), born September 6, 1901. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
John J. Fleming was born in Emerald, July 5, 1876, son of William and Elizabeth (Phillips) Fleming, of whom a sketch is found in this history, in connection with that of Henry Fleming. He attended the common schools and then entered the high school at New Richmond, Wis., subsequently taking a course in the Beeman Business College in the same city. After completing his education, he started clerking in a general store and kept books for his father. He is now bookkeeper and clerk for the Fleming estate, which comprises land, business and lumber holdings, as well as live stock and a general store. He was married November 27, 1902, to Emma Starr, of Glenwood, Wis., daughter of W. H. and Vina (Bentley) Starr, the father having been a millwright and general blacksmith at Emerald for William Fleming. W. H. Starr is now deceased and his widow resides at Glenwood. This union has resulted in two children, Mabel Fleming, born July7, 1905, and Florence Fleming, born April 10, 1907. Mr. Fleming is a Republican in politics, being at the present time chairman of the Republican town committee, a position which he has held for six years. Some time ago he was appointed as school treasurer in his fathers place, and was elected to that position in July, 1908. In fraternal circles he also stands high. For ten years he has been venerable counsel of Greenwood Camp No. 7001, Modern Woodmen of America, and has represented the camp at the state convention at La Crosse, Wis. He was also sent as a delegate to the national convention in Indianapolis, Ind., in 1903, and has been one of the leading officers in the Modern Woodmen Picnic Association of St. Croix County. Mr. Fleming is also a member of Sinden Camp No. 580, Royal Neighbors. He has interested himself in athletics of different kinds, and is manager of the home baseball team, being also vice president of the Dun-St. Croix baseball league.
(taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
B. C. B. Foster, New Richmond. Born in October, 1815, in Somerset Co., Me.; came to Hudson in 1854, and to New Richmond in 1855, and located where he now lives, and put up the first sawmill and first building, excepting the house or shanty in which he lived with his wife and two children, Laura and Hiram A.; the shanty in which he lived was the first one, except one, on the southwest corner of his now beautiful lawn. Mr. Foster commenced to build the dam for his mill on Willow River in July, and the following August commenced the saw-mill, which was completed and ready to run on the 1st of November, but for want of logs stood idle until spring. During the winter, he put teams in the woods, cut pine logs and floated them to his mill in spring, when he ran the mill himself, and furnished the lumber for most of the settlers who came to New Richmond and Erin Prairie, cutting the first season about three hundred thousand feet. The mill was an old-fashioned sash-gate; he operated it eight or ten years, then sold it to Silas Staples. Mr. Foster entered at the land office seven forties, and purchased one of Mr. Russell at the same price, provided he would build a mill, taking a bond for a deed; at that time, his nearest neighbor was bout a mile, and his next nearest neighbor was at Brown's Mills, a distance of about ten miles, with no roads except prairie tracks. His house was open to all, and all found a friendly welcome under his hospitable roof until the L part of the present Nicollet Hotel was built in 1857. The first shanty was burned in October, 1858, and in one month from that time the house they now live in was completed and they moved in. In 1856, they employed Amanda Dayton, from New York, to come to the house and teach their children, which was the first school taught in town. The second Sabbath after coming here, they held Sabbath-school in their house or shanty, led by a Mr. Lambert, which was the first Sabbath school ever taught in town. The first town meeting was held at his house; the first sermon that was ever preached in the town was at their house, by the Rev. Mr. Thayer (Presbyterian) from Hudson; the first school meeting for the organization of the school districts--in fact, all the preliminary meetings were held at his house or shanty. Mrs. Foster (Charlotte Gilman) was born in Fairfield, Somerset Co., Me., in 1818; daughter of Samuel Gilman.
(Taken from "History of Northern Wisconsin", pub. 1881)
L. O. Foster is a native of Moretown, Washington county, Vt., born March 27, 1841, a son of Leonard R. and Jane B. (Johnson) Foster, who were Vermont farmers, living and dying in the Green Mountain state. L. O. was educated in the common schools and worked with his father. He farmed in his native state until 1864, when he came westward and located in Warren, Wis., working on a farm for his brother-in-law, William L. Clapp, one year. He then purchased a farm of 200 acres in Warren Township, about two and a half miles out of the village of Roberts. This was seven years prior to the putting through of the railroad. Upon this farm Mr. Foster resided for thirty-six years. He brought it to a high stage of cultivation and did a general farming business. He also did an extensive dairy business, owning shorthorn cattle, but found that the greatest general satisfaction was given by the Holsteins. During those years Mr. Foster sometimes made as high as 8,000 pounds of butter yearly and a great amount of cheese. He also bred some fine Yorkshire hogs. Mr. Foster was married in January 1864, to Lucy B. Haskins, a daughter of Wright and Chastina (Spaulding) Haskins. They were old settlers who came here in 1865. Mrs. Foster come of old Vermont stock; her grandparents came here from Vermont in 1865, and died in Polk county, Wisconsin. This union has been blessed with one child, Elon R., who now runs the home farm. He is married to Jane Wilson. In 1901 Mr. Foster gave over the management of the farm to this son, and moved to the village of Roberts, where he purchased a house and an acre of land. He still continues active work and has a fine garden, of which he has reason to be proud. He still owns 120 acres of his farm, having given eighty acres to his son. Mr. Foster is a Republican in politics, but has always voted for the best man in county affairs, irrespective of party affiliations. He has always taken a deep interest in public affairs. He assisted in building the church at Roberts and gave liberally to have a station located at Roberts. He has been most successful as the result of his own hard work. For many years he labored from sunrise to late at night, taking little rest. He has served with much credit on the sideboard for eleven years, being chairman for a short time. Mr. Foster is a Methodist, but attends the Congregational church, there being no sanctuary of his denomination in that village. His son Elon R., is a sagacious and progressive man, a worthy son of a noble sire.
Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
George A. Fouks, now one of the well-to-do men of Cylon township, owner of over 1,200 acres of land and numberous other holdings, was born in Pennsylvania, March 22, 1847, a son of Henry and Barbara (Peterman) Fouks, who came from Germany in the early days and settled first in Pennsylvania, afterward coming to St. Croix county in 1856. In Pennsylvania the father was a coal miner, but upon coming to Cylon township he took up government land and continued farming until his death in 1901. He had the distinction of being the first man to cross the south fork of the Willow river with a team of oxen. The mother passed away in 1887. George A. was educated in the common schools and then worked with his father, afterward starting for himself. Upon his broad and rich possessions he does general farming and stock raising. He keeps about 100 head of cattle and raises and purchases fine horses. He has made nearly all the improvements on the place, and his beautiful house, surrounded by a well-kept lawn, would be an honor to the residence sections of any large city. The barns are also large and well looked after. Aside from his farming interests, he owns stock in the Deer Park Bank, and is vice-president of that institution.
Mr. Fouks was married in 1874 to Christina Mathews, daughter of Gotlieb Mathews. This union has been a most happy one and has been blessed with eight childrenMillie, born June 1, 1876; Anna, September 11, 1877; Henry, June 9, 1879; Stella, August 18, 1881; Nellie, January 7, 1885; Lavina, May 7, 1888; Walter, June 26, 1890, and Alma, March 24, 1897. Millie married Chester Thatcher, a sawmill man; Anna married Andrew Becker, and Lavina is a school teacher. All are well thought of by their associates. Mr. Fouks is a Republican in politics, but has never sought public office, preferring rather to devote his time to his own interests. He is nevertheless actively interested in public affairs and his judgment on matters of township progress is always sound. He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and in an attendant of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is noted for his sagacity and honesty, and well deserves the success that has fallen to his lot.
(taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
Adam Frantz is one of the most extensive stock buyers in the valley. He was born in Waukesha county, this state, August 14, 1856, son of Adam and Elizabeth Frantz, both natives of Germany. They came to the United States in 1850 and settled near Milwaukee, Wis., where the father followed farming until the time of his death. Adam received his education in the common schools of Waukesha County and then combined farming and stock raising until 1879, when he purchased land in Springfield Township. Her he has since continued to reside, owning 640 acres in this and Pierce County. He developed a part of his land and raises general crops, but the greater porting is devoted to pasturing purposes. For fifteen years past he has been extensively engaged in buying, shipping and feeding stock, using from $20,000 to $30,000 annually in his transactions. Aside from his large stock and land interests, he owns a handsome home adjoining the village of Wilson. Mr. Frantz was married in 1883 to Rachael Brahm, now deceased. By this union there is one child, Rosie, who lives with her grandparents in Waukesha County and attends school there. He was married again in 1900 to Mary ODonnell, by whom he has two children, Elizabeth and Harvey.
Mr. Frantz is a Democrat in politics and chairman of the township of Springfield, a position which he has occupied with much credit for the past six years. He is a public spirited, successful man. He handles all the details of his large business with a sagacity and a knowledge of stock conditions that has made for him a moderate fortune and won the admiration of all his associates. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Charles Frantz was brought up on the farm and attended the common schools of his home county, after which he farmed for ten years, then came to St. Croix county with his brother, Adam, and for some time ran a sawmill. He subsequently engaged in selling farm implements for eight years, until 1900, when he purchased the hardware store at Hersey, which he has since conducted. Mr. Frantz was married in 1891 to Anna Riley, daughter of Hugh Riley, an old settler of Springfield Township. By this union there are seven children. They are: Lewis, Hugh Mary, Emelia, Boyd, John and Julia. Aside from his business interests in the village, Mr. Frantz owns 120 acres of land in Springfield Township. He is a Republican in politics and belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Thomas Frawley, a native of Ireland, was one of the early settlers of St. Croix County. A farmer nearly all his life, he has many interesting stories to tell of the days when the sturdy pioneers used a cradle and a flail, and when practically all the work of clearing and breaking the land had to be done without the aid of machinery. He grubbed and developed his farm, which is about four miles from the city of Stillwater, in St. Joseph township, and made it one of the fertile spots for which the valley is noted. Although he received but a meager education, he is noted for his good sense and good judgment. Associated with him and in charge of the farm at the present time is his son, J. E. Frawley, who looks after the 240 acres in an able manner. J. E. received a common school education and is now serving his first term on the sideboard. He is also a member of the school board and one of the active advocates of the farmers telephone, having spent considerable timein getting the line into operation. Both father and son are Democrats in politics and the son is a popular member of the Hibernian Lodge at Stillwater. Such men as Thomas Frawley, who have grown up with the country, are the ones who by their industry and hard work paved the way for the wonderful prosperity that has since come to the valley. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
James A. Frear, secretary of the state of Wisconsin, is distinctively a product of this state, born in Hudson, Wis., October 24, 1861, son of Aaron H. and Margaret J. (Rickard) Frear, both natives of New York. The former first saw the light of day in November, 1835, and the latter July 5, 1837, their marriage being performed at Hudson. When the call came for volunteers at the outbreak of the great Civil war in 1861 the same blood which has since stirred James A. Frear in his battles for political integrity throbbed within the veins of Aaron M. Frear and he was among the first to enlist, enduring the hardships of camp and battle for three years and nine months. With such a father and under the care of a mother of beautiful character and devout faith, James A. grew to young manhood on the farm, attending the common schools and acquiring in home and school and field that strength of body and cleanness of mind that has since stood him in such goo stead in his public career. In 1878 he was in attendance at the Lawrence University at Appleton, Wis., when the family decided to move to Washington, D. C., in which city the father still resides, being a member of the force in government pension office. James A. Frear began his public service with five years work in the United States signal corps at Fort Meyer, Va., at Indianapolis and at Washington. In 1884 he graduated from the National Law University at Washington and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia the same year. He at once returned to Hudson, Wis., and served for one year as private secretary to Senator John C. Spooner, also starting the practice of law. He became interested in politics and was elected to several city offices, including that of city attorney, in which position he remained for several years. In April of 1896 he was appointed district attorney for St. Croix County by Governor Upham, and was elected to that office for three consecutive terms thereafter. In 1901 he was appointed on the staff of the governor, and was elected to the assembly the following year, being sent to the state senate in 1904. During the latter year he had the felicity of presenting the name of R. M. LaFollett to the Republican convention, making a stirring speech, which none who heard it will ever forget. It is worthy of note that this gathering was the last Republican convention to be held in the state of Wisconsin, the primary law going into effect soon afterward. March 9, 1905, Mr. Frear was appointed chairman of the senate committee for the investigation of state insurance, and at the same session he was chosen a member of the Wisconsin insurance investigation committee. In 1906 he served as chairman of both of these committees. His work in this relation is too widely known to need comment. Fearless and fully determined to probe the matter to the bottom, he left no stone unturned in his efforts to secure protection to the people of Wisconsin, who had their money invested in insurance, and the present high standard that the laws require of companies doing business in the state is largely due to his untiring efforts and honest endeavors. From this important achievement to the office of secretary of state was but a short step, and September 5, 1906, he was nominated for that position at the primaries, and in November of that year was elected by a large majority. In 1908 he was re-nominated without an opponent, his services leaving no room for opposition. Like so many other public men of this country, Mr. Frear leads and ideal home life. He was married March 6, 1889, to Hattie E. Wood, of Washington D. C. This union has been blessed with two children, Margaret M, born June 6, 1891, and Philip A., born September 14, 1893. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
Jens Nelson Freile was a native of Laaland, Denmark, born November 15, 1845. He came to America in 1866 and stayed in Pleasant Valley half a year, afterward following lumbering at Menomonie, Wis., for several years. In the spring of 1875 he moved to Happy Valley, St. Croix County, and October 20, 1875, he married Elsie Rasmusson, daughter of Rasmuss Nielson and Sidsel Brand, natives of Denmark, where they lived and died. In that same year Jens Nelson Freile purchased 120 acres of land, eighty in Hammond township and forty in the town of Baldwin, broke the land and made general improvements, erecting a house and outbuildings. For the remainder of his life he devoted his attention to farming, of which he made a great success. He was a republican in politics, but never tried to obtain public office. He was a member of the Lutheran Norwegian church. On the 23d day of February 1889, he passed away, and was followed to his grave by a sorrowing concourse of mourning friends, in whose hearts and esteem he had held a high place. The widow still survives. He was the father of seven children. Mary married Lewis Ausland, of Chetek, Wis. Nels runs the farm with his mother. Lars W. died at home in 1905. He enlisted in Company H, Third Infantry, at St. Paul, Minn., and served one year in the Spanish-American war. He came home January 1, 1899, and March 28 of that year re-enlisted for three years. He went to the Philippines and served one year, being then transferred to Pekin, China. At the end of his three years service he was discharged. Returning home, he served as wall guard at the Waupun States prison for twenty-one months, then entering the Stevens Point normal school. From this institution he came home ill and remained with his mother until the time of his death. Bolettie Amelia graduated from the Hammond high school in 1903 and has taught ever since. She has just entered the normal school at Stevens Point, Wis. Frederick died in infancy. Jens F. died at two years. Jens E. graduated from the Baldwin high school and is now a teacher. The home farm, which is now run by Nels, is in a high state of cultivation. Upon its acres are raised general crops as well as Poland-China hogs and Plymouth Rock fowls. Nels is supervisor of the township of Hammond and has been treasurer of school district No. 9 for three years. He is a hard working and industrious young man, and is worthily following in his fathers footsteps. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
William H. Frissell was born in Lodi, Wis., April4, 1856. His parents, George and Betsy Frissell, came to Wisconsin in 1848, locating at Prairie du Sac. William H. Frissell received a common school education and came to New Richmond in 1879. In 1904 he started a general store. He was married in June 1882, to Clara Cockburn, of Hudson, Wis. Mr. Frissell is a member of Richmond lodge, F. and A. M., and of the Woodmen. He is a staunch Republican in politics.
Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Garret Fuiten , a retired farmer now living at New Richmond, is a native of Washington county, Wisconsin, born April 10, 1850. His parents, John and Gertrude Fuiten, were native of Germany. They came to Addison, Wis., in 1847, and bought 300 acres of wild land. Assisted by his son, Garret, John Fruiten broke and improved this land and erected a house and barns. He did a general farming for some time, then sold out and moved to Fond du Lac, Wis. He purchased a beautiful home, in which he still continues to live with one of his daughters. Mr. and Mrs. John Fuiten had nine children: Catherine lives at Hudson, Wis.; Annie resides at Fond du Lac; Margaret died at thirty years of age; Garret was the fourth in the family; Fred lives at Fond du Lac; Sylba died at twenty-three years; John died at eight years, and two of the children died in infancy.
Garret Fuiten received a common school education in Hartford, Wis. After leaving school he remained on the farm with his father nine years. In 1873 he purchased seventy acres in Hartford, Washington county, Wis., which he broke and improved. Until 1890 he carried on a general farming, then he sold out and bought 112 acres in Dodge county, Wisconsin. In 1898, he sold this farm and moved to Ripon, Fon Du Lac County, Wis., where he purchased 160 acres, upon which he farmed until 1898, when he sold out and moved to Ripon City, Wis., and lived there three years. Coming to New Richmond in 1901, he bought 200 acres in Richmond Township. This in turn he sold, reserving for himself three lots, upon one of which he remained and built a residence, where he now lives. Mr Fuiten was married to Catherine Volkerts, of Campbellsport, Wis., a daughter of Garret and Sophia Volkerts. Mr. and Mrs. Fuiten have had two children: Clara married Paul Breames, a farmer of Richmond township; Benjamin, the second son, is a farmer of Star Prairie. In 1906 he bought 100 acres on which he has erected a new barn. He also has under construction a fine house, nearly completed. Mr. Fuiten is a Republican and attends the Methodist Episcopal Church. While in Ripon, Wis., he served as chairman of the town board nine years. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
Carl Fylpaa is a native of Norway, born in 1855, a son of A. M. and Johanna Fylpaa, who lived and died in their native country. Carl came to the United States in 1872 and located in Minnesota, spending one year at Madelia. Subsequently he spent a year at La Crosse, Wis., and then came to Baldwin, this county, engaging in the drug business for two years. In 1876 he moved to Star prairie village, this county, and established his present business. The store was started on a small scale and has increased in importance until now he and his partner, Adolph Anderson, have a big double store and command the leading trade in the township. The concern carries a general line of goods of the best quality, and both the partners are known for their honest dealings and fair methods. They are known and liked for several townships around. Mr. Fylpaa was married in 1878 to Ida C. Heiberg and has four children: Clarence, Arnold, Eleanor and Olga. He is a Republican in politics, has served as treasurer of the village, and as a member of the school board. For many years he has been a Mason and he and his wife are members of the Eastern Star. Mr. Fylpaa started life as a poor boy and has made all that he possesses by his own hard work. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909 |
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